    how much should i charge someone to take them to the doctor?

    +2  Views: 1028 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Nothing, we are here to help others not benefit from their illness. Unless of course you are a doctor.

    Why not just do it out of the goodness of your heart?

    You are a miser you should be doing this for free are not even a bit guilty of thinking this have a heart please

    I believe it depends on many things such as, what your financial condition is, how far to the doctor, how much did it interrupt your daily schedule and the financial condition of the person getting the ride. Being generous is good as long as you're not taken advantage of. 

    What!!!   Cheezus! if you could charge for that I'd be a bloody millionaire!

    Do a good turn a day.  A kind hearted man will be rewarded. 

    I would say nothing.. but after a couple of times it really starts to cost you in gas.. Si have them pay for gas.

    i can see if you have to drive  many, many miles to get there. but most people have drs right in town. i wouldnt charge any thing. i would probably do my errands while they re in the office

    I think giving rides to the doctor, to the store, or where ever could be a good money making deal. There are so many people who don't have enough (especially now) Maybe put an ad in the newspaper, get some references ... and go for it. Taxis are expensive and many people don't drive.

    Women  who take care of  other people's children are often not paid by relatives. But they are paid by their clients.  Relatives think they should be doing this out of the goodness of their heart. (I don't mean the grandma kind of care)

    So if it's your mom or your grandpa, give them a free ride. If it's your rather distant  neighbor, consider that you have a business.

    well to charge someone wouldnt realy be rite but help with the gas should be descussed

    Charge the minimum you can stand and them take you both out for sodas afterwords and talk about the visit (or ice cream or a drink, all depending...)

    I want to swear at you "Miser what if it was on the other "Foot say your small child hurt her /him self "How in hell would you feel if they said it will cost you . "What about the good factor feeling "I helped a someone not even family I wish you a flat tyre


    I'm not an unkind person, dowsa. I have four steady appointments a month. We go through the traffic and wait sometimes an hour and a half. The drive itself takes half an hour. I wouldn't ever want someone to take me to appointments, it would eat their life!
    If a friend had trouble, of course I would make sure they had a ride. (I don't drive)

    Well said dowsa. mr e, cant be that poor, he can afford ,and able to run his car. When it comes to his question, he sounds like Mr Scrouge. How could anyone other wise, want to charge a friend !!

    Thanks Dollybird I was brought up to help people in need .That poor person might not have the taxi fare.In understand were Itsmee is coming from ,but i would still take them take care honest Dollybird.

    I'm assuming (at the risk of making an ass of you and me) that you have been asked to give someone a ride to and from the doctor? If this is the case, you are coming off as small and petty.
    Personally, I don't think you should charge for an occasional trip to the doctor, grocery store, school.   Hopefully the person you are helping will offer to help with the gas, or at least buy you lunch when you are providing taxi service. 

    If this ride is something where the expectation of  compensation is agreed, discuss and agree on a payment plan.  NOTE: My mom goes to dialysis three times a week.  It is half an hour to get to the facility and she is there for over three hours.  She generally buys lunch after her treatment and offers to "fill er up".   That seems more than generous.  No one asks her to pay for helping. 


    Your mom is blessed with some good people in her life. We are new in this big town. Driving down Herdon terrifies me.

    If this request has been asked of you as a business arrangement,you are entitled to be paid for your time and services.If however it is a friend or neighbour i feel they should at least offer you some petrol money and it is up to you if you will accept payment or not,don't feel bad for taking a few dollars especially with the price of fuel.


    PL: You do think it COULD be a business? My husband has NEVER has a ticket in his live-long life. He's thinking of putting an ad it the paper to do some driving ~ just till the stocks come up, you understand. : /

    I'm afraid he'll be driving people to the doctor when he's 110. (Poor us)

    " What does (YOUR HEART) think ? "


    My head wishes it had never brought up this idea of a business for my husband. Now I will go face the corner.

    " Your a (beautiful) human-be'in Ma-am ! "

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