    Hey there, how do you like this one? A 90year old farmer has fathered 50 children with four women, two sisters and their mum.

    The first mum had 17 children. She died and he married another woman who had another 17 children then he married her sister and had another 15 children. Then he married their 89 year old mother who  had one child with him. Dirty old man...

    +7  Views: 742 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Wow thats amazing. Did not know a woman of 89 years can have a child?

    10 Answers

    I hope he can afford to feed & educate them without relying on others.


    Probably sends his wives out to work the fields.

    $20,000 per month in welfare money is nothing to sneeze at.

    heck yes!!!

    Was this in Australia, or where? Probably some backward person living in the sticks.


    I am jealous of him, as most of the guys here. :)

    Can Viagra make him the official spokesman?

    Astonishing! Are you saying that an 89 year old woman had a baby?


    I was more astonished at the 90 year old man.

    That's what the report said, perhaps she had it earlier. One of the sisters had a child at 58, I thought that was impossible.

    sounds like those people ive seen on tv. nineteen and counting. i couldnt imagine birthing 19 kids. was hard enough for 6. seems like they would pop out like popcorn after all that many. pop pop pop


    Or just slide on out...

    ha ha ha. standing in line at the grocers," oh look honey, you got the car seat?"

    Guess he had no TV, so had to pass time some way. lol

    They are like animals more than human!


    As you can see, I've let Dnanners know that thumbs downing opinions here is not acceptable. I've given you back your points.

    Thank you.

    kudoes to him i guess

    Seriously mental issues with them all and to think...they bred. Ugh.


    You said it, one woman was 58yrs old when she had kids.

    I keep getting images of mountain people or the freaks from chainsaw, know...mentally challenged people....breeding....*shudder*.

    Hi Colleen yea agree on your answer and yes I watched those films too spookie! lol

    Wow Collen do you know any moutain people? I do and it happens to be my grandpaernts.They had nine kids and all of them tuned out to be productive people and they worked hard with no help from welfare.In thier day lots of kids is what helped them to make it, the boys worked outside the home as did some of the girls but anyway be careful of judging poeple if you don"t know what you are talking about!!

    DNanners, chillax, look at the perspective I was coming from. Note the movies I was referencing. This does not mean I believe all mountain people are the same. I love the Waltons. Not all people are wonderful like your family. How do you suppose they came up with such movies? Some mountain people are scary (making the point here that yours was not).
    My father came from a family of 9. He in turn raised a family of 8 and we were backwoods hicks, all of us working to help out with the farm, working our butts off and had jobs besides. We all turned out fine where as many of the guys of our little town ended up in jail. Look at the people eggplant spoke of here. Do you call their life something to emulate or hold up as a shining example of what people should be like? Breeding like rabbits? Do not thumbs down opinions. This forum recognizes freedom of speech and and does not punish for freedom of speech. Judge much DNanners? You judged me for a perspective and punished at the same time. Then call me out for judging?
    I known what I'm talking about. You not knowing me and judging that I do not know what I'm talking about is the problem. Maybe your life needed to be more like mine to understand what I said. Maybe I should have said backwoods people. It's an easy fix if it will appease your senses.

    Colleen how can you be so nice ,but then threaten me on the other hand ?? You could have posted what you said right here for everyone to see but no you had to post it elsewhere! I have the freedom of speech just like you do and if I want to thumbs down someone for something I don"t agree with then I should be able without you threatening to have me booted off !!! But if that is the way this game is played then BOOT ME OFF I don"t want part of it!!!!!!I should have known that you where a mean bully that wants her oppinions and hers only! And when you said mountain people you said it before you said anything about a movie!!Anyway don"t be two faced and hide your meanpost somewhere else and then be sweet in front of the rest.Oh yeah why are you so mad I did mot thumbs down you the person I thumbsed down dont seem to mind!! Wow you take this too serious!!!!WowOther than this I have enjoyed this site and all the folks Sorry yall!!

    1. I posted to your thread to make sure you got the alert someone posted to you. The notifications do not always work for replying to comments but do always work when replying to a person's own question. I would have taken it off the forum but you chose not to provide us with an e-mail address. I was not hiding it, it is right there for all to see if they open your thread. They can go to your profile page and click on your questions if they want to see what I said. I said no more in your thread than I said here. Do not thumbs down for opinions.
    2. My comment I posted here is clear enough and others have agreed with it.
    3. You do not know if others are taking offense to you being a happy thumbs downer. They sometimes just report it and let the moderators or admins handle the issue, which I've done.
    4. If you think I'm mean, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. You've not been here long enough to know me yet you've judged me twice now.
    5. All opinions matter including mine. I allowed you your opinion, I have told you how thumbs downs are to be used here. This is a member voted rule. Apparently you do not like following community rules. It's your choice to go along with the way the community members want it here or to find a forum best suited to your style of interaction.
    6. It is not a threat. It is fact. Abuse the thumbs down after being warned and you will be suspended.

    I'm just grossed out by the whole thing....

    hi eggplan its me sniper 1237 the  thimg that you said about the farmer is sic and good lord thats bad becouse i think they well spred a virusd or some thing do you get it what i am about to say. and cheerio

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