    Have you ever heard of a studdering stroke?

    My dad went in this morning with what they were initially calling a mini stroke, they didn't give meds for a stroke because he was recovering and getting use of his arm and leg on the left side. Out of nowhere he went right back downhill but they said it was too late at this point to administer the meds, they called it a stuttering stroke. His short term memory is gone, he can't move the left side, he asks over and over the same things. Has anyone heard of this before?

    +2  Views: 805 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers Can't find anything on it ,either can these people,take a look.


    couldn't find it either,pythonlover...if your parents are still with you and you love them, please make sure they know this.It can all be taken away so fast.

    grrrrrr ..... mom did write "stuttering" in the small print. we all make typos. my mom had a massive stroke and there's so much to learn. It is possible that a person could have a "studdering" problem and it's something I haven't heard of.

    it seems to me that some of us on akaqa like to put down people who misspell. my brother has a ph.d and i can spell circles around him. he's ok now,but there was no spell check as he was going through school. His son is dyslexic and has two masters degrees and has a real hard time getting his words right.

    i think it's great if people come on here to learn. i don't care if they can spell or not. the more they practice, the better they'll get.

    my spelling has improved since i came here in april. 

    it is my hope that all people who make typos or misspell can be forgiven and encouraged to talk more. 

    hi mom: keep us posted on your mom. 


    I appreciate what you said here, I have been up , driving and going for hours, my mind is a complete buzz. I didn't even take notice if there was an insult and I find it odd that eggplant is quite so sharp when the subject is so hard, maybe she was just being misread. If not, I still can't be bothered to take offence, I'm looking for much bigger things like thoughts, prayers, any answers rather than judgement. Thank you itsme, I have said over and over that the care and support on here is beyond what one would expect.

    mom ... take care. you brought tears to my eyes. i do kind of know the battle you face.

    My housemate has T.I.A.'s or "mini-strokes" and one of the symptoms that one is about to occur is he will start stuttering...And the medical profession hasn't been able to help him either....


    They are calling this one a stuttering stroke because it is a series of mini strokes and he is constantly repeating himself because his short term memory wiring is out of whack. I found out they didn't give him the stroke meds in the beginning because he was recovering at such a speedy rate they just felt it was a mini stroke, approximately 2 hours later he had a bigger one but it was too late to feed him the thinner because they had already given him a mild blood thinner and chances are he would have bled out. The second stroke may leave him in a wheel chair due to the extent of the damage. they are trying to teach him to eat gel like liquids so we are trying to get the rehabilitation started. My mom is ready to crack with not knowing what to do as she feels his normal life and all the things he loves have been lost. We are trying to keep her right here and right now, not jumping ahead like that until we really know for sure.Unfortunately for your friend there really isn't any good answers for strokes other than blood thinners to stop the clotting.I wish there were more answers, he must feel like a time bomb with that going on all the time.

    He saw the Dr. today unfortunately, they are all student Dr.s and have no idea what he's talking about...I am so sorry about your dad but am even more so for your mom! What a nightmare! Keep the strength up and say your prayers. ask for God's will be done....

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