    How many people in here think a lot of those in here need to go back to school and learn how to spell?

    +13  Views: 1626 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    28 Answers

    As most of you know I can not spell to save my life I can not use a spell checker as I wouldnt know which is the correct word to use and I am not using this as excuse some may know and some may not know that I am deslexic I even have trouble with my best friend the Oxford Dictionary ! I have to ask My Husband if thet is the correct word or not and if he inst around then I guess most of the time its been one of my greatest wishes to write and spell I did still manage to get to college and come out with a degree but its not enough I dont know when to put in full stops or commas and so on and if I could have one wish it would be to get rid of this hang up of mine on spelling


    Mel....i think you do a good job,i would not have noticed until you mentioned it.

    thank you pythonlover I do struggle and I type so quick it makes it worse but thank you LOL xxx
    ed shank

    I get your drift kiddo.

    Mel, you are doing fine. Dont worry about it.

    I am very very sorry for my comment which I withdrew as soon as I realized it was totally inappropriate and in bad taste, I made this because I only read the first sentence. I am now a little wiser and I hope never to repeat it again.
    Headless Man

    I wouldn't be here without spell check.

    Thanks Ann love u loads

    Thanks ed LOLoads

    Thanks Randy for your comment xxxx

    west-bus xx

    Spell check is a wonderful thing. I just have a little tab at the bottom of my screen and jump over to my email when I need to check something. Then it is into "Compose", I type my cousin's name in...scroll down into the email area...type in the word and la la...the answer appears as if by magic and I return to spell the word I was curious about correctly.
    I hope this helps.

    thanks ed xxx

    melandrupert, you do a fine job and should be proud of yourself for accepting the challenge and completing college also! dont be hard on yourself if you are not a great speller. your content says alot about you. congrats.

    halsieyji thank you for your kind words xxx

    thank you fish girl I will try that as the one on the email does seem to understand my words sometimes its when I mix all my words thats its hard but thanks for the advise oxoxo

    dongdowingir thank you for your kind words oxxox

    You have done really well I do not even look at the spelling - do not be hung up. It a lot of work answering these questions and if you type quickly - mistakes will be made.

    thank you dopey xxx

    ...and how to write a sentence in the form of a question.  Although figuring out 'What the heck?' can be an adventure unto it's self.

    I also believe that many of the authors may not speak English as their first language. 


    Well you are probably right just get tired of it and also get tired of no one in here knowing how to use or maybe even what MapQuest is.......

    'Map Quest' and 'Google Translate'.
    I find it helps if you answer half a dozen really weird questions with equally weird answers really fast and in a row. By the time you are at #6 you are laughing way up loud!

    Yea, its horrendous. I would like to know what school they go to.But I think there are many people asking questions where english is not theire native lanquage.


    thanks Ann love ya xxxx

    Really a sad, sad situation my friends! Now from the latest that I have heard,...they are also eliminating cursive training...thus...the future children of ours can no longer know how to compose a letter for correspondence.....don't the teachers and/or unions of same understand that this is not such a good thing???...all the children and/or parents can't afford computer access/laptops....etc., etc....someone needs to wake up!


    Talk about letter writing there are bosses out in the field that I have to send letters out for and would I dare send them out as is??????NO. and I can only hope they do not write letters to people in public and real life.

    So, Darci, do you correct their spelling and punctuation and all that ?

    Yes, they are eliminating teaching kids how to write in cursive script. This is sad. I wonder if they'll be able to read cursive script

    Too many computers, mobile/cell phone speak, calculators - oh my what happened to the three Rs.

    I'am 56 years old and have never been very good at spelling (and my father was a school teacher),but when I see some of the spelling on here I feel smart,I do not use spell check because I don't know how but I try hard,I may try to spell a word 20 times until it looks right but I do give it every thing I got,and yes I do think some on here needs to step it up a little on their spelling.


    You seem to be spelling alright

    Thanks "mycatsmom",I really do try to do my best,again thanks.

    They're supposed to be computer literate and can't use spell check.


    im fr from computer literate, but at least i can spell. big deal huh.

    That is probably too much like work.

    and they don't know how to use apostrophes. They call them '' commas ''

    Makes me wonder what the qualifications are for getting into college nowdays?


    Very low. I saw a new college student post about classes and her spelling was so bad I couldn't believe they let her out of high school, let alone junior high even. Really bad! It's insulting to those of us who chose to learn when in school!

    wont be cursive writing, unfortunately

    Well I do for one.

    It is a dreadful indictment on our education system and the parents as poor English is accepted so much today.


    Yes it most definitely is.

    I do hope there are educationalists on this site who after visualizing the problem will doing something to improve their curriculum in this area. 


    I understand here - they even copy each others exams on the computer.

    I am a terrible speller and I really count on spell check a great deal but I sure know  the difference between wat and what, etc......


    LOL yes that is what really gets me it is the most simple words that they mis spell constantly I know I mis spell but golly bum......

    I blame cell phones or mobile phones as we call them in Australia,people tend to give the most quickest response when texting.It takes a lot of guess work to figure out what is said,i wonder if it spills over onto here.




    Yeah I guess I hate texting if someone wants to talk to me then they can talk to me not send me text messages which I will never answer.

    thanks xxx

    Me neither Darci.I think texting is rude.

    I really think some in here need to have a brain scan but my fear is that they would not find one.......


    we could always start our own band and use them for drums !!

    My spelling is not as good as it could be & I can't figure out how the spellcheck on this toolbar works,But I think I manage better than some on this site.


    Tommy is there a spell check on this site! xxx

    "Tools" on the toolbar next to "ask a question" button.If you figure it out,let me know.LMAO

    Melan---there is ?! Where ?! I'd be anxious to use it if I could find it.

    I don't think it would make any difference, it's too late, their brains are set like jelly.


    how about cement instead of jelly?

    No I think you are right jelly about sums it up shaky all over the place tasteless and useless more like jello I guess........

    I never really noticed.


    Hmmmmmm makes me wonder about you then?

    wat do u meen ?

    There you go!!

    I don't think people here need to go back to school to learn to spell, even though sometimes I cringe at what I see.  I just figure that I am a spelling snob because I need to be right all the time in my written communications.  (I know that I misspell words occasionally)  As an anal retentive, obsessive-compulsive type, I usually read my answer after I post it and then edit out the errors that I see.

    There are so many nice people here that I don't get upset when their spelling isn't 100%. 
    However, the people who are rude ("Why are people here so stupid and unhelpful"), obscene (the infamous "What is a b.j."), or ask questions that have no valid answer (like that one who wanted to know what her boyfriend was doing) make me want to hire that assassin cat to take them out.


    LOL assassin cat think maybe I will teach Oliver how to do that.......

    Yes very much so.  I as dumb as I am could probably go to college and be a genius now days LOL

    Terrible, says a lot about our school systems nowadays.


    that's right. When I was a kid, our teachers drummed it into us ----spelling, punctuation, grammar .

    I think content and sincerity are far more important than spelling, would be good to be able to spell everything and do everything without fault, however not all of us are absolutely perfect, or excel in every subject, good on you to those that are...I take my hat off to you, and if by the way anyone can tell me where the damned spell check thing can be found Id be very grateful xx


    I must admit I am guilty as charged on this.Spelling was also difficult for me as a child in school.I do strive for accuracy.

    there are many spelling mistakes but your criticizm should be kept to yourself as your sentence structure needs some work.


    very good answer lol

    Yes that's good.

    you who never spell ANYTHING wrong, let him cast the first vowel. lmao

    arryoudini, Your spillage doesn't say much for your supposed intelligence, education or attitude.  You may have it, man, but you sure don't know how to flaunt it!

    I have a few tricks that seem to help me spell better. The dictionary pops up with a list of words, with every letter the list refines a little more.  I scan the list for my word or change the letter to get into a different set of words …..AKA play with the thing. Explaining the details of a task is a sleeper. Don’t explain more than needed. If the word can be any of a dozen words, simplify with words that are more general in meaning like “folk” or words that are user friendly…that. If you can’t spell hippopotamus try" hipo??" to indicate need for the reader to figure it out from the clue you left like bread crumbs to the next word. Spell like it sounds gets the point across …x-pate-re-ot.  If you use shortcuts too often like texting uoole B Bhind the 8-ball if you need to spell correctly so its a good idea tho learn to spell a new word and use it often. 




    GOODtrick but how doi get the dictionary?

    It is a Mac application for free.

    to sawal---you enter dictionary into your search box. Then you enter word the way you think it should be spelled. Then it comes up correctly---usually

    most people have spelling difficulty once in awhile. an auto spell checker should do the trick!

    I always thought I spelled quite well -until I as here- My fingers overload my brain and off I go spelling like a wacko! LOL Oh and by the way it always says (spellcheck) LOL is incorrect

     We could use a spell checker on this answer box.

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