    does blowing marijuana smoke at baby pups effect them?

    -4  Views: 719 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: drug use

    14 Answers

    Of course it does. It is abusive and wrong. These beautiful creatures schould not be in your care, they deserve better.


    Ann, I'm curious, why do you give people positive karma when they ask things like this?

    Good question Colleen.

    Didnt realize I gave positive Karma,meant to give TU Thanks for pointing it out

    TU's are what give karma. ;)

    Yes and it's abusive. Knock it off and grow up.

    Would blowing Marijuana smoke at you effect you?


    Apparently it already did. They are now minus about 1 million brain cells.

    You are a childish immature person,them pups should not be in your care ,this act would come under "Animal Cruelty".Find them decent homes fast.

    Yes it does, why waste the smoke? Blow it at your buddy....

    I already have you classified as an idiot for smoking dope.I can't imagine a word that would describe an idiot who blows the smoke at helpless pups.wake up to yourself.

    It is illegal!!! And you are an ass!


    U tellem way to go

    I cant answer this as i will get to MAD

    I think it's better not to try it out. The knowledge would have too high a cost.


    daaaaaaa your the reason people think its that bad when thats just the smarts you were born with

    You should maybe   try this instead of  blowing it on the pups  put it to good use.  Get yourself a long plastic tube ( garden hose )  stick one end up your  rectum and the other to the smoking  end of your body  Mouth )  Lite up a  huge  joint and  blow it  as long and hard as you can up your rectum,  Do the  hole dooby that way  and don't blow it out  your butt   hold it in asap.   then write us back tell us yopur expierence. 

    What do you think, JERK. Would you do it to your six month old child?

    I am not one to put down another.But to do such a thing is an act of sub-human cruelty and the offender should be exacuted.I am not a violent person but this is intolerable! God help this puke,and may they rot!!

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