
    +2  Views: 1480 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    WOW. This question went UNanswered for 10 months. Where were we??

    I was out drinking. *hic*

    21 Answers

    To get faced?




    Yes, I speak jibberish with a sexy slur! But this happens right after I decide I love (almost) everyone...tequila is dangerous stuff when swallowed by Doo! Danger Will Robinson DANGER!!!

    Lol Dar....V.funny and clever!:-)

    Doo, I think we've all been through those stages of tequila intoxication...there was always something so cool about the whole ritual of the lemon and the

    Mil...thanks but I didn't make the gif. I found it a while back and this was my opportunity to post it.

    Don mentioned dancing and Cuervo a while back I think...I could have used it then. :)

    seem to have missed the singing,I always think I can sing after a few ...cringe

    Back in the day, I wouldn't sing but it would take a few bevvies to get me up on the dance floor.

    unfortunately I think I can do both after more than a few,the regulars know to keep their feet out of the way,I'm not exactly twinkle toes,more of a toe stomper

    Your comment induced me to Google tequila to see from what it's distilled...the agave plant. I guess vodka is derived from the lowly spud.

    Even in my youth, I was never a one to wear any type of writing upon my t-shirts. Manufacturers logos? I was not a bill-board for free advertising, yet so many were willing to pay big bucks for the honour of doing so. If I had a message to impart, it wouldn't be plastered across my anatomy.


    Rum is produced from sugar cane....hmm, now I get it! Yes you have missed singing and regular dancing! Shouldn't I'm very rich read Ihm sthoo berry whitch hahahahahah whitch writch..Ihm loadddded! LOL




    Look..he has the Romos family tartan tie on...and apparently ran into a brick wall with his face. Poor guy, his nose is all smooshe now ;)

    He can come to mine anytime,looks like someone I know

    @Romos..where`s his skirt?..I MEAN KILT..kilt kilt!!lol!;-))

    Left it in the pub millie!

    psst..Pub? or Strip Joint? LOL

    ".and apparently ran into a brick wall with his face"

    Bwaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Must be a Scottish thing. It's a secret but ROMOS has done the same himself ;)

    :)..Really? No wonder Romos likes little Ro..he's jealous of the beak!!!!

    That's it! LOL


    My, that's attractive.

    Pole dancing by night...Throne filler by day.
    Gentlemen,put your hands together for...CAAAN-DYYY
    country bumpkin

    tee hee. I'm sure it took her a couple of days to recover.

    Can you repost the photo/graphic, CB? It's not coming through for me. :(
    country bumpkin

    Bob. I don't know why it's not here.

    It's got to be hysterical and disgusting, judging by the comments. :D
    country bumpkin

    I don't think it was so bad. It was a girl passed out on the bathroom floor using the commode as a head rest. I think it was a perfect picture depicting why we should not drink in excess.

    THERE she is. Poor dear.
    I am laughing hysterically at Ducky's comment to go with the pic.

    CB..I can't see it!
    country bumpkin

    Doo, now you see it now you don't... Last night I could not see it but now I can. Go Figure!

    Oh I so miss those days!!(not)!!;-)

    It's gone again, Country Girl :(

    Wow, that is quite a position to sleep in....she's gonna by one sore pup in the morning!

    Wow, this is the great disappearing reappearing disappearing picture!

    It's doing the same for's's's's gone...Maybe she's going back and forth from her bed to the bathroom!?
    country bumpkin

    LOL.... I was just thinking the same thing!

    must be because it's back again...tell me, how does one get up after doing the splits continuously for several hours?? Darn that looks uncomfortable!
    country bumpkin

    Doo, she must be very motivated.

    CB- you are sharing your secrets! This is why you need to...get a room!

    I bet she couldn't do that split sober.

    that's just grosse
    country bumpkin

    A mixed bag of comments here. I've enjoyed reading all of them.

    There are many reasons people drink.

    Remember alcohol was the first anesthetic of the time

    There could be something too painful in their lives to face so alcohol may mask this feeling.

    Others drink because they have physical pain and its the only drug that works.

    Some drink for social reasons or celebrations.

    Others drink because of addiction.


    Just think you could be like these guys and eat grass :)))


    ummm..about the grass..never mind, officer GT Grip will get me if I say more!
    Deleted User

    :) You are always thinking the Illegal you LOL ... I ws just thinking about the cow and the horse silly :)))

    Of course you were ;) !

    And then there are the rest of us that just enjoy it

    good explanation of the history of drinking ethol alchohol, w-dyke.

    An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools. -- Ernest Hemingway




    So? What's YOUR excuse? (Oh relax, you know I'm just kidding...aren't I?) :)

    Trust me,Duck. They're FOOLS ;-)

    Ernest Hemingway drank copious amounts of alcohol. He didn't need any excuses... spending time in the company of the smart, dumb, bright or foolish... he didn't care. That man drank.

    Fishlet: Just a lame excuse.

    Yes, Hemingway was a heavey drinker, and he comitted suicide. So did his son.

    Troubled men who turned to alcohol. Helps make my point to Umbriel.

    Hemingway wrote in the mornings because he was drunk by noon. ... Or so the story goes.

    I like the taste and drinking runs in my family to be honest.....

    Between 18-30, it broke down inhibitions and excused inappropriate behavior
    After 30, it has been social and seldom to excess (only spent two nights on a cold tile bathroom floor, and will never consume a whole bottle of wine again)
    An ICE COLD beer hits the spot once in a while when I'm bowling or listening to a band at a club.  A glass of wine is nice with dinner.  A frozen margarita needs no occasion.   



    Neither does a good Pina Colada

    Si, Senora!

    Boredom as well as escape.............not to mention self indulgence.

    country bumpkin

    Daren , can you see the image I placed as an answer or is it blank?

    I can see it all to well it reminds me of someone i love..

    Self respect, a clear mind, fine tuned senses, excellent co-ordination, a healthy liver....oh, wait, I read the question wrong!


    I can jump small puddles too!!

    cause soft drink is no fun without itAlcoholic_beverage : fresh splashing strawberry into a wet cocktail glass


    Hey,you got my theme song,love it



    Ha ha it! :)

    They drink to forget their problems. Some people are depressed about their life that the alcohol makes them feel better.

    It usually starts out socially, like parties and get togethers. Some people have an addictive personality and those are the ones that get addicted to alcohol in a short time. Its a terrible disease and ruins many lives.

    I drink alcohol nearly every day because I enjoy it. However, I doubt I would have failed a field sobriety test since my early adulthood. Moderation is the key.

    My ex drinks to excess every day to (supposedly) ease chronic pain. Her drinking is probably the biggest reason she is my ex.


    Do you have facts to back up your drivel Umbriel? I have facts to show that most drinkers have emotional problems. Care to see them?

    I would definitely like to see the data on those statements Umbriel... seriously. I use alcohol when cooking especially while cooking French cuisine. I don't see the point of drinking all evening long as there are other things to do. My mother doesn't drink except on special occasions and stops at two. Both of my aunts don't drink alcohol at all. My step mother does not drink alcohol with the exception of one Snowball on Christmas day. My brother in law is a tea totaller and he comes from a very fine and well educated family. One of my daughters very rarely drinks alcohol and the other not at all. Are you saying that I am less educated and come from a poorer strata of society than most people out there? I own my home and vehicles. I am running a business. I have an education. I have always held high positions in my jobs and have been paid well. You are telling me that you are better than me?
    And... supposedly I carry the baggage therof... so interesting.
    Shame on you. You haven't met me in real life. You haven't met most people in real life.
    I would enjoy reading the studies that you have based this information upon just so that I truly have a grasp on how lowly I truly am.
    Bloody He!! Moon Man. Smarten up!

    Your facts first Umbriel. The whole point is you have a way of painting everything with the same brush. When you do that, your words are bound to insult many people. You actually found a way to insult people who do not drink. Why? Because even you know there's a problem when a person has to have alcohol in their life. Did you know that the members of this forum can tell when you've been drinking without you even saying so?
    Yes, you can get away with most people have emotional problems but here in the real world, most drinkers drink because of emotional problems. The rest of us get over it.

    Since my answer has caused a "stir" over Umbriel's comment (which I had a little problem with also), I would like to clarify that my daily consumption of alcohol consists of ONE glass of wine and occasionally a cold beer, especially during the hot summer months.

    Flip; I am right there with you. We will sit in the back yard and have a nice cold beer on hot days or a glass of wine with dinner. Umbriel often writes about his drinking hobby as if it is an extreme sport.
    Umbriel... sometimes you allow yourself to "Assume" or communicate in "Absolutes". I would like to see the data to back these statements up.
    You may want to "Bone Up" on the various definitions of alcoholism Umbriel. There truly are all sorts. I am very well versed on the subject and have a library to back my words up.
    I personally don't care how much you drink. I don't care if your liver is the size of your head and I don't give a flying fig what you do with your life in any way, shape or form on or off the football field.

    So, you reference one person in history. I hope this is not the bulk of your facts. Did it ever dawn on you that some people can handle alcohol better than others?
    Psychology dictates that those who seek to excuse their habit as being more commendable than those who do not have the habit are simply seeking justification for a habit that they them self know they are using as a crutch.

    Umbriel the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. You are happy with yourself. That should be good enough for you.

    I imagine you are not getting on the phone and harassing family members or showing up to family gatherings drunk, thereby, filling your family members with dread because you usually make a spectacle of yourself.

    You have never made promises to loved ones that don't materialize. You probably are not guilty of verbally abusing or belittling loved ones. You don't argue with family members just for the sake of arguing and, you more than likely never ever blame anyone else for the mistakes you have made or the wrongs you have committed.

    You have never fallen asleep on a family member's front or back porch or stumbled out of their house only to quickly pass out on their front lawn. You probably have never stumbled through the front door, crash landed on the tile and slept right there until you have come to your senses hours later. I even bet you haven't ever once mistaken where your bathroom is actually located.

    You are more than likely a well loved and respected family member and friend.

    Raise your glass of wine!
    Cin cin!

    How is it that you can take one topic and ramble off into so many others. I see that as avoidance. I still stand by what I wrote. As for 2, I only mentioned one as you seemed to gear your thoughts more towards Winston Churchill's alcoholism than William Joyce's words on it.

    The birds are fine. They are eating more seed and slowly weening off the formula. They should be flying soon.

    "" Na I Have Told You I dont Drink !!!!!!


    Sober up!!! Take a bath! do something with that fur! LOL

    doolittle othats it everyone pick on the drunk Cat!! Ha-Ha xxx

    Once this cat gets up she'd gonna let out one heck of a burp!!!

    doolittle it looks that way LOL xxx

    Think there's more beer? We beter confiscate it (I mean drink it) before kitty wants more!

    doolittle that is a good idea I will see you round the block in a few mins haaaaaaxxxxx

    Because we think its a way out.

    I not  know


    You know not?

    for years, and years, it's been the poor man's way of self-medicating himself. Drinking has been done by people who cannot traditionally  afford a psychiatrist and the anti-depressants and anti- anxiety pills that go with it. I'll say one thing for an extreme tragedy, it prob has helped  people all these years----  to not go insane......if it's imbibed in on a temporary measure.

    may be we'r depressed and lonely!!

    Culturally across the globe, alcohol is at most celebrations, although it may vary it can be easily made from just about any ingredients containing sugars, starches, mixed with water (or not) and fermented either with natural bacteria or by adding specific yeast.  This is not to say that you cannot party without alcohol, but why would you?

    To alter our states of mind, body and emotions, which has been the case with most civilizations. Smoking or drinking to change our 'states of being'.  People are also using, these days, meditation, yoga, music and dance and therapy and gambling to alter states.  As comedian Chris Rock, "People just want to get high."

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