    What is depression?

    I have a fair idea what it is but would like some other peoples points of view

    +5  Views: 1218 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    DEPRESSION a pathological state of extreame dejection or melancholy, often with physical symptoms a reduction i vtality vigour or spirits and feeling down no get up and go

    IT is the feeling of being down, lonely, unstaticfied, unworthy, unimportant, inconcicintial,... For it to be diagnosed as depression, it has to last more than 2 weeks. You will alao loss interest in things that once brought you joy, loss of energy, loss of concintration.

    Talk to a DR. if you think you are depressed. It is not something that will just go away.


    How bout if it lasts 42 years ?

    42 years is a long time,hopefully you have developed some skills to keep the depression to a functioning level.When depression creeps up on me, I reach out, and I force myself out for a walk.It may never go completly away,but I am and I wish for you too that we may find joy in our daily lives,but you have to keep your head up,never give up.

    I think there are many forms of depression for example bi-polar/manic depression and clinical depression. It can be treated through medication and/or talking therapies such as counselling.and psychotherapy.

    Bouts of feeling......down   sad    lonely   despair  

    I think its a chemical imbalance in the brain

    As pythonlover and Jenn says this is how it feels but there are two types of common depression one is exongenous depression - which can be explained as a reaction to something that has happened to you or another in your life - the endogenous which is the sad feelings as described but without the knowledge of Why.

    The US is getting into a depression when the economy is going downhill, high unemployment rate, rising cost of living........

    For Mental Depression Symptoms checker, go to ( right )

    The complete opposite of mania....


    Isee where you are coming from but it is not the opposite of mania - there is a condition called manic depression which is horrendous.

    I have it and medicate very well for it. I've been diagnosed for it for 35 years so, it's not a fad...

    I am not sure what you have - if it is manic depression I have seen this without medication and it is awful and missed as other conditions display what can be seen as manic depression. I am not sure what you mean by "fad". I am sorry if I offended you.I can see that depression is seen as down and manic depression as up.

    Now days they call manic-depression

    i think mine is repressed anger.

    It's what I am right now; b/c I don't have any family and my brother never calls me ( he lives in another state )  It's like pulling teeth to try to get my step- daughter adn my  niece and nephew to contact me. I'm 62 adn I don't have anybody to go anywhere with  b/c my husb died. I don't have my career anymore-----that' s a whole nother story. And there's nothing to do in this small town and no jobs.My so-called friends have been so touchy and easily offended lately, that I guess I'm on their shit list.


    P.S. all of my above-named relatives live in another state. That's why I'm in the STATE of depression.

    why dont you try volunteer work ? meals on wheels or the local hospital auxilary, library etc,fair weather friends can't be relied on and volunteering gets you out and about, meet people and know your helping people that need and appreciate you

    lets hope things will ,turn around for you mycats mum,xxx,

    With stress and depression, pray, seek help, and consider those that are worst in condition than you're in, and look up to praise The Almighty and stay better.


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