    need all of your prayers. i have really screwed my life up. I have bad credit, a felony on my record, lupus, ra. severe anemia, recent loss of my best friend due to a wrong treatment-- i don't know what to do so i ask for all of your prayers for i do know that God exist.

    +8  Views: 744 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    25 Answers

    indeed god does exist, the one true father of all creation who loves us all,and will forgive us for any and all sin just for asking him through christ... i'll keep you in my prayers as well as the church i attend....

    Tomorrow is another day - opportunity. Now what you going to do to make it better. Tell us what would make it better. Dont ask us , tell us.  Hope the best for you  !!!

    God is the only one you can count on get you on a different path in life. He will never let you down. But you have to believe.  Love and prayers, Ann

    Count me in, tictock!

    You are going to get some responces that this is not a prayer request site.... But there are many Christians on this site that are going to keep you in their heart, mind and prayers... Tomorrow the sun will shine and you will have a new oppertunity to make a differnce... And after tomorrow the is another right behind it!... Best of luck!

    I will pray for you.  You should also pray for yourself.  Check out  That site takes prayer requests.

    God Bless you and you can count me in xxx

    I'll pray for you. It would help if you would tell me what your first name is, and what state you live in ..  Jesus said, '' Where ever there are 2 or more of you praying for something in my name, It shall be give unto you ''



    Ok. I just finished praying for you and I'll pray for you again adn again. YOu have to help yourself too, by not repeating mistakes. . .. and never spend more than you earn.

    God bless you, and you can count me in tictock!  I pray, everyday you will strengthen to get out there and do something positive for yourself. ((((((((((hug))))))))))

    Tictock,, recently I reached out for prayer to heal my sliced up hands and I have to say I am miraculously back doing my thing again without any infection or lasting issues. You have to know that God is always with you but you also have to start moving forward in order to see things happen. Some of your issues, I know you can fix in due time and others are of faith and love. I send you love and light and also pray God's healing in your life. Some of these trials are going to make you a stronger person unless you choose to be of a victim mentality. That's not an insult to you at all as I have not walked in your shoes but being a survivor seems a much better route in life.Hold your head up, take baby steps and do the opposite of what you have been doing to get where you are now. Again, love and light to you and just know in your heart that things will work out if you choose them to...believe and you shall recieve!

    This is a bad patch in your life,things can only get better.Just remember when one door closes another one opens.God Bless.

    God will take care of you if you trust Him.  Pray to Him, read the Bible and go to church.  Last night I prayed for you. 

    I have prayed for you. All on this site who believe in prayer will be able to tell you many examples of answered prayer. God bless you

    I'm Not a christian mate but I will say good luck. So you ahve had a bad run but marbe it's over now.

    Stay straight & think positive.

    God Jesus and Holy Spirit makes up the holy trinity, God in three-forms.

    Yes if you do one thing, accept a free gift. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Just say yes and mean it, tell others about your choice, then live it, and find a good BIBLE teaching Church. Read the BIBLE yourself and study. 

    Change your life, by change what you have been doing, give GOD a chance......

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just keep in mind that healing begins inside....

    My my! my my! My thought are REALLY flying out to you. This is a first ... Six times!

    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

     Tictock, you are in my prayers, you've been through a lot, but trust in God and he will see you through.


    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

    You were wise to reach out for prayers.  You are getting very many of them and they WILL change your life for the better because the power of prayer is very strong.......AND it is of God.  I have sent a healing prayer on wings to you, too!

    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

    It's 2:30 AM in California. I'm thinking of you and picturing orange healing light surrounding you. Be Well.  (((Gentle Hug)))

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