    how do people get pimples?

    +1  Views: 839 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago




    I have got a pimple on my pimple,

    hector, I remember seeing my brother getting pimples on his pimples and wondered how my mom could kiss him goodnight on his cheek when he was in the 7th ---9th grade. Only a mother could do that.

    3 Answers

    Dirt and oil clogging the skin's pores.....Keep your face washed.......


    Its all the dust from the skittles when i knock them down ,

    I washed my face religously every morn and every night when I was a teen. Washing it never helped my acne.My bro had acne too. My mom took him to a derm, but she didn't take me.Someone told me the boys are always favored in any family.

    MCM.Not in my family.(All Girls)LOL

    Pimples are not caused due to a single factor; there are other reasons which triggers their formation. When the sebaceous oil glands present on skin produces excess oil this attracts dirt. This clogs the pores of skin and affects it causing blackheads.The bacteria can also affect your skin surface and cause inflammation which seems like a cyst.

    Some of you could get pimples due to hereditary reasons. Certain foods like greasy, fried foods, chocolates, pizzas cab affect your skin. excessive washing of skin also irritate it and aggravates the pimples. Using comedogenic skincare products also leads to formation of acne and pimples.


    right. A lot of it is genetic. Some kids get pimples and some don't . I had quite a few on my forehead when I was in the 6th grade ! Then, two years later, they were all over my face. I think you have to have an oily complexion to get pimples Mine was very oily till I was about 40.I stll got an occasional pimple or two till after 50.

    I've been wondering for the last few years, why kids don't get acne anymore. My neighborhood kids didn't and my niece and nephew didn't . And niether did my two step grandchildren who are grown now. My 3rd cousin , Cassidy and her half-sister, Jenna, never had pimples.

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