    Why is it that many people think that there is intelligent life on other planets?

    Some species has to be first, why not us?

    +4  Views: 977 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    makes you wonder about the intelligent life on this planet, with all the problems we got here on earth we have to go spending billions to find problems elsewere..

    Wishful thinking. Can you imagine another planet with as many stupid, cruel, war mongering people on it?


    Klingon !

    there is life out there, I beleive that we will all beleive that in this decade...........!!!

    I am loving these 'Alien' questions!

    Carl has signed.....(again, his language is complicated and sometimes I miss a vowel or two)...that his planet (At least I think Carl is male) lovely.  He would like to go home.  He is waiting for the next space bus.  (It takes the bus a while to travel through all the inhabited Alien-type planets).

    maybe because there are some fairly doubtful ones here !!

    Your question would be stronger if you asked those who do believe there is intelligent life on other planets why they have come to this conclusion.  Personally,  I can't imagine why anyone would believe such a thing and would be open to hearing the reasons. 

    There are none on this planet.

    Its just the imagination of people.

    This imagination can be true or false.

    But still no proof is found that there is another planet or another world where life is possible.



    The proof is on it's way ;)

    Hahahaha. This is going to be fun!! When you people start freaking out please keep your fear rioting off my street. Try not to kill humans when you're going nuts because you find out aliens really do exist. Thanks.


    Try as I may I cannot make any sense from this answer, Colleen. It does not even address the question.

    I'm speaking to the people who mentioned here that they do not believe in aliens. I'm just requesting when the aliens come they do not freak out and panic in the streets and start killing innocent people because they're scare out of their minds for not believing. We've all seen the riots that kill people. I do wish I could see jaws drop when people finally see the truth that we are not alone, lol

    uuhhhh... I came from there....ooppps  you didn't get that from meeeeeeee

    What we don’t have here is obviously somewhere else. 

    At some time in the past i do believe there was life on other planets. Why, because we exist.  So the chances are 100 % yes.

    "Cause there' ain't none' on earth!'"

    Maybe cuz they are living in la la land?

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