    what about baking soda?

    +3  Views: 630 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Brush your teeth with it and clean corroded battery terminals on your car battery..  Also, put a box in your refrigerator opened and it will keep your refrigerator smelling fresh and clean.  You can also sprinkle it around on your carpet, wait about an hour and vacuum it up to remove room odors. 

    Oh yeah, you can use it when baking too!

    Mix it with vinegar and it fizzes up...


    Yeah! We made volcano that way when we were kids.. mom get really mad, we made a mess..

    did you use paper machete around an old coke bottle? That how we did it...

    No, I think we just made a cone with paper and cut the tip off and taped it to a paper plate. We would pour in the baking soda then the vinegar through the hole on top..

    also, when i was about 11 or so, I had a toy rocket that you put baking soda in a capsule and added vinegar, wait about 20 seconds and it would launch, go up pretty high too!

    Kids knew how to have creative fun back then. I remember nailing my shoe skates to a board for a skate bored, I though I was so cool...

    Clean your drains  in Kitchen sink or bathrooms. Pour small box of baking soda in sink., add 4 cups of vinegar. Let sit for 10 min. and rinse with lots of hot water.

    Its wonderful stuff this baking soda as every one has said its a gift from GOD there are so many things you can do with it every one has mentioned it so I wont bore you any more  

    I usually have some baking soda next to my kitchen sink.  Mix some in the water to wash your fruits and vegetables.  It's cheap and natural, chemical free way to clean them.

    hey, what about the laundry uses!!!!

    I put a box of baking soda in the fridge.  It kills the smell there.  Shake the box once every two months.


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