    what food kills cancer

    +1  Views: 719 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Some foods that promote cancer fighting and prevention are fruits (such as figs), vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower, to name two), and certain plant roots (such as curcumin, which belongs to the ginger family).
    More examples can be found at the following links:,2933,193441,00.html

    Once you have it there are no foods that will cure you. I have it and even before my chemo I was told by my doctors (Plural) do not eat any vegetables or fruits unless cooked. Under no circumstances eat onions. Sorry to contradict you ROB GREEN, I'm sure your intentions were sincere, however the internet can kill you. If you believe all the S**t that's posted concerning health you may put yourself in danger by not getting the proper care for a serious condition.


    I know Rob. He has gone to school for this and studied it. The medical doctors do not know everything. Try a homeopathic doctor. They are curing people of cancer and they are not using chemo.
    Cooking kills or at least weakens any kind of good thing that the body can use to cure itself. Chemo cooks the body. You do not want to see a body after a person has died who has had chemo. You can see where the chemo cooked them. If you are OK with the chemo and feel it's helping you, I'm happy for you. My aunt was cured of throat cancer by a homeopathic doctor.
    ed shank

    Colleen, My wife is also into the natural foods and herbs and such. She had an elevated enzyme level in her liver. She has dramatically changed her (OUR) diet and she is now at an acceptable enzyme level. I hate the chemo, but I know several people who were cured of cancer because of it. I have no choice at this point but to continue with it.

    I understand ed. I just get tired of the MD's lying to people and scaring them away from a natural cure that works. For some, chemo may be faster if the cancer is caught too late but chemo also kills people like my best friend MaryBeth. I hope for you, it does what it's suppose to do and gives you many more years.
    ed shank

    Colleen, Sorry about your friend. Thank you for your kind words. You are right about doctors. They know the fear of dying keeps them coming back.

    The latest I've heard (for my ex-housemate's condition) is raw endive. I imagine it to be very bitter......

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