    does a woman really need a man?

    +2  Views: 901 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    i dont feel that a women needs a man she may want a man but to really need one i would have to say know and I am a women raising 4 kids on my own and get no help from the kids father and yes all the kids have the same father and its pretty hard to get that from a dead man and he died in the september 11 twin towers and well he was a a great man no money in the world will bring him back  so to answer that question i would have to say No


    i am so sorry for you and your childrens lose my heart and prayers go out to you you r a very strong women and a wounderfull mother just to b able to keep going i wish i had milloins to help you and all the others with this tragedy. sassygirl you r a supper mom in my book

    WOW!!! When you do without you do what you have to.......SO VERY SORRY!! Will always remember those who gave their lives, fighting.
    Your loved ones.........are blessed!

    You are a very strong lady. Love to you and your children. God Bless you all.

    It really depends on the woman.  It also depends on the potential man.  For myself, I don't need a man so much as want to have a relationship/marriage with a decent guy.  The more time that passes, the more discouraged I become, fearing that I'm gonna be sitting at this computer answering and asking questions on this website until I die.  Help. Now I'm depressed.


    Stop! Don't get depressed! I met my husband when I was least expecting it and then I had a son at 48 years old. You just don't know what tomorrow will bring.

    Me too.

    No you won't there are too many of us nice guys out there There s someone for everybody sometimes you just don't know'em yet.

    fish girl, lupe, matheneyg....thank you! I try really hard to stay upbeat. It's really nice to get just a little encouragement from you three. I'll hang on for another day, just because of you!

    fish girl: I noticed in your profile that you were a little older than most moms of two-year-olds. GOOD FOR YOU. I had my sons at 34, 35, and 38. They demanded I be energetic enough to keep up with them. I keep saying that when God thinks I am ready for a loving and lasting relationship, He will send that man to me. I hope He thinks I'm ready soon!

    How many double A batteries do you have?

    Well I donnt know if a woman really needs a man, but I would not be without mine for the world, he's wonderful!


    Words well spoken your man is very blessed to have you.

    Only if she wants to be able to conceive, whether artificial insemination or the old fashioned way, a man must somehow be involved. Other than that I see no need to have anyone in your life, male or female.

    not if she dont want one

    Finding a decent mate , is the real quest in  life.

    YES!!!!  I need a man!  Not just for the obvious but for the climbing and heavy lifting, too!


    Oh you just want us like a beast of burden huh LOL

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