    how can i take ownership of my mothers property without it costing us a lot of money and do i have to pay taxes and a bunch of fees to do it Answer this

    +2  Views: 643 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    A living trust would cost your mother about $2000.  I assume you want a cheaper way to take title to her assets.  If that's the case, she should have a simple will to leave all her assets to her heirs. 

    If her assets, in total, does not exceed a certain IRS threshold of $600,000 (used to be this amount, may be higher now), then the beneficiary (ies) may be in luck.  If you inherit assets under the legal limit, you may be exempt from paying inheritance tax.  The bad news is that you'd need to have an attorney to walk you through the process.

    Good luck.



    ok thanx that helps out ill get a lawer to help with that cuz i realy dont think its worth tha much and we dont no if she has yesrs left to do a living will she is stage 4 cancer so we dont no time wise wat we have thank you muchly

    Transfer home ownership to your name.


    Pamela the Lawer you are so good at these sort of questions :-)

    Thanks Mel! :-)

    Do you have a Citize Advice Beauro, in your area. They should be able to advise you, about who is best, to advise you in this matter. and what is charged, for the advice.


    i dont know if we do but i will check into that thank you

    Your welcome. Good luck.

    The best thing to do, get legal advice. Nothing comes free, sorry.


    i no nothing comes free just didnt want to pay a ton thanx

    If you are talking about inheriting her property after her death without having to go through the time consuming and expensive probate, your mother should consider making a living trust.  Some lawyers charge between $600 and $1000 for preparing a living trust.


    we have talked about inheriting it but we nor her want me to have to pay the taxes on it we think that is bull she payed cash for it pays her taxes every year and is fed up with the gov. and there bullcrap tax on everything 2 to 5 times on the same thing i will check into a living trust thank you

    If your not in a conflict with your mom you can get a life lease.. If mom doesn't want you to have it good luck.


    ok that sound the best now dose the proprty go to you without a bunch of taxes having to b paied? if god forbid something happens to her

    Yes its mine like I said, but she still has control over it, BUT you have to do it years in advance before her death. Please check with a lawyer in your state or at least check online.

    mom wants me to have it we have just been going through a lot of hardships and have prity much gone through all r savings what is a life lease and how do we get one


    A life lease means you basically own The property but your mom has control over it. My mom and I have a life lease on our property. At this point and time she puts the money in and gets the money from the farm, but the farm is in both of our names,,, Its hard to explain.. go to a lawyer and ask..

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