    why are red heads not liked

    +2  Views: 663 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Red Haired people ARE liked. I don't know where you got an idea like that. They are somewhat rare -- but special.  You've been seeing the wrong people, kid. 

    My son is a 'gingerhead'. He gets it from his mom, he was always in trouble as a child, this is a study that had been conducted--  There's no real answer for this other than they stand out in a crowd and are picked on because they are different..  My son was always in some kind of altercation with other kids but fortunately, he had great teachers that understood the problem.  His hair is not carrot red, its more auburn. but to the kids, its red.. They grow out of it though.. he's 33 now and just laughs about his childhood. I think it really bothered me more than him..  (oh I said Gingerhead because he likes that word, he picked it up on Southpark) LOL

    We call them "Rangas" down here. As in  O-Ranga-tan. We have them peppered thru our family.It's the Irish/Scottish blood.

    We like 'em even tho they can be a bit firey tempered.

    ed shank

    Man have you got that right.

    LOL Ed!

    I've got one hanging around my house for 42 years now, I really like her hair.

    I've always had a thing for red heads, even dyed my hair red for a while...

    Red heads no problem a lot of girls like red hair I love red heads you know they get wild when they get angry there green eyes sparkle like diamonds.I go weak at the knees.

    My cousins are all reds, it's the Scots in us. They were wickedly clever,always having the best ideas for trouble. What would expect out of a bunch of Navy brats? My uncle left the service and my dad stayed in. More's the pity! It kinda ruined my childhood. They all grew up to be find adults. I believe both are accountants. (YUK!)

    What we thought was bad in the 60's, was child's play for todays kid. We were actually very sweet.

    They were no different than any other kid. They did get sunburn a lot more. That's about it.


    I have a lot of Scottish decendents and so I am wondering about how you refer to your heritage as 'French and Scots'. I have read this on your author profiles and on this forum many times. Is saying, "the Scots in us" and/or referring to your heritage as, "Scots" a form of saying you are of Scottish heritage commonly articulated in your part of USA? I have never heard it said that way before. :)

    As a red head I can tell you most of us are NOT hated.....or we are no more hated than blondes or brunettes

    my wifes a red head and i don't like here either ..i love her..

    If a red head is not liked it has nothing to do with the colour of their hair.  Except in the case of an old pal.  He didn't like red heads at all...he was red-head-prejudice.  Come to think of it, I have had two old pals like that............hmmm you may be onto something there.

    How curious.

    Well red heads remind me of hell

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