    is it wrong 2 give your life 4 your kids

    +3  Views: 553 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    If you do, you're number one in my book.


    Of course not...

    Balance is key...don't forget about taking care of you.  Your children will eventually move away and get on with their lives and you are left with you.  Make sure you have interests even if they mirror the interests of your children you have a lot of space to fill up when they are gone.

    Literally or figuratively???  Isuppose that if you die for a child it is niether right or wrong.... If you mean give up your interest in life then I think it is unhealthy. You need to be the best you to set an example for your children.....

    Having said that I am very happy as a sub teacher so hat I can be there for my kids when I need to be. I also have self worth and pupose.






    all mine seems to want is food and money!!

    You are a gleaming example to your kids and  I would think that they would not only want a devoted parent but one that has an interesting life as well. My parents were always going and trying new things in their lives. Most included us but some were simply their own. They balanced themselves which was much more healthy than not. As an adult now, I do the same thing in the hopes that they too will mirror this healthy behavior. Sometimes when your child falls(figuratively speaking) it's to their best interest for you to step back and let them figure it out without your loving interference, hence creating individuality,independence and strength. Eventually your kids will reach the teen years where they will not need  nor want you like in the earlier years and if you have not created a life independent from them, it's you that will suffer.I am not trying to be judgemental as I have no right trying to tell you how to parent but too much of anything is just that.With loving advice, balance is the essence of true happiness.

    It is not wrong ,i admire your willingness to devote to your children,i bet you are a special mom and your kids are lucky to have a mom like you,just remember to take some time out for your self,you deserve it.

    I am a young lady raising 4 children alone and I would do anything for these children of mine I would take a bullet and or be stabbed to death for them as they are mine to protect always and no one else is going to do that,  but bare in mind we all need time to ourselves and you deserve that time whether you are going for a walk or jsut going to a friends house you deserve that,  sometimes ppl can stay that you are being selfish but really they come first in everything that we do or should be first in our lives,  they are lucky to have a great mom who is there as there is other moms that are not there as they are either to busy and dont want there kids and or they waste there money on drugs and alchol and not to think about there kids are hungry at home and want to have something to eat whether its pj and jam sandwiches they have food in there belly so you are a good mom and congrats to you all the best  to you i am sure that they are proud to have you as a mom because i know that i would be proud if you were my mom


    i would rather its wrong or not

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