    Can you really feed a dog cooked egg shells? Can you feed them raw egg shells?

    We buy our eggs fresh laid and I think it's a shame to waste the shells....

    +7  Views: 1054 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Crush them up well and mix with food and they are a great source of protein. If you ever give your dogs raw eggs, do not feed them the whites as there's something in the whites that can damage their stomach. I can't remember this many years later what it is. Just leave out the whites.


    Damn, I just threw out 6 egg shells...

    Yes CB! Avidin.

    I save all eggshells and clean the inside w. hot water. I dry them and put them in the toaster oven on 350 for 6 minutes. I use the electric coffeegrinder to pulverice the eggshells. I give my dogs 1/2 tsp. a day for calcium. Also use it in my garden on plants.

    I don't know about feeding the dog with them but if you don't want to waste them crush them up & turn them into your garden soil.Your plants will love 'em.

    I have grounded the shells up for my garden but never for a dog I have given the dog a hard bpoiled egg but never raw

    Egg shells should they be digestible would be ingested for calcium.  They would have to be pulverized. 

    Seriously, feed your dog a well balanced diet.  There are many on the market and if you are concerned about your dog's diet it is best to talk to a certified nutritionalist. 

    Cooked or raw would make little difference.  They should be clean.  Raw diets don't have raw eggs in them...the meat and the vegetables tend to be sold seperately as well as suppliments, essential fatty acids and enzymes.

    OK, time to start the compost back up again....

    Hi Julie....about the egg shells and raw egg,i give a full egg(shell included) to my dog she is a staffordshire bull terrier and she doesn't have a problem devouring them at all. I only occasionally give her an egg it is like a treat for her.If you do decide to give your dog an egg make sure it is outside,can be messy.

    I wouldn't feed any portion of a raw egg to a dog for fear of salmonella poisoning. 


    Dogs have a diffrent immune system to us they eat raw chicken and scavenge out of bins.

    Kimba: Dogs also get sick, though not as readily as humans, but why take the chance?

    Cooked food is actually not good for a dogs digestive system. kimba is correct, their system is designed for raw food. I feed my dogs raw hamburger and veggies. On occasion I do give them rice and only that is cooked.

    My Son's dog ate egg shells given to him by the neighbor and they did not digest at all.  Poor doggy pooped egg shells for a week it seemed like.

    Do you have a veterinarian you can trust?  If you want the definitive answer, that may be your most reliable source. 

    Too much concern about unsafe  egg shells   on proper care to give to dogs

    OUCH!! Don't think I would feed my dog any type of egg shells, raw or cooked.

    But, if you have a garden, I know that roses love the egg shells, I let them dry in their own container then into a bag, plastic or paper doesn't matter, until I get a large enough amount, I crush them and then put the shells around the base of the roses.

    OR, you could add them to a compost pile, which your plants would love too. You wouldn't have to worry about drying or crushing the shells. Just throw them along with the banana peels or anything else that could go back into the earth, just keep tossing the dirt and 'garbage' and sit back and "watch your garden grow"...

    Have fun.........  =) 

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