    IF a married man tryed to have you meet with him to have a fling would you tell his wife?

    We have never met and he is solicating on-line.

    BTW.. I am not talking about anyone on here.  I am talking about someone who litterally ask me to visit and "do" him.

    +1  Views: 978 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    the choice is only yours to make. If your are upset about his offer, then tell him how you feel

    You know the difference between right and  wrong,  so let your conscience be your guide.  And  I believe   your answer  was correct one

    Tell your hubby, then arrange a meeting with the perv and send your hubby in your place :)


    LOL would love to be around to see that one........

    Very good Colleen. I would love to be a fly on the wall to see this one. I love it

    Thne I would have to come up for bail money... LOL

    Nah, just have the getaway car running and ready to go ;)

    If I were a woman, I'd let my husband take care of it.

    Do as Joseph  did in the Bible He ran a way from  Evil and  tell him to get lost unfaithful Bum!

    dont go there jenn,its a non starter

    I wouldn't tell the wife and I wouldn't have the fling...



    I am married to the most amazing man in the world. 17 years of sleeping next to my best friend... :)

    If it is possible. Delete and block him. Done and dusted.


    Girl you are so smart.... great idea!

    If you don't know the guy, tell him no thanks. Then get out of the situation. I would not tell the wife if you don't know her. It is their marriage and it is none of your business. I would tell my husband just incase the whole scene gets turned around on you somehow. There are a lot of crazy people in this world and one should not mess with strangers,  they are not always playing with a full deck.

    You may want to stay out of wherever you were that made someone feel it was OK to ask such a thing.

    “No” is an answer that you should exercise using a lot. “No” says “I am an adult and that is my answer.” Pleading, begging and crying is not an adult answer to “No”. “No” is a word women everywhere should cherish as their banner of equality. “No means “No”, get use to it. “No” is power in woman speak. Women with power are awesome. Get “No” from between your lips and mean it.   


    "No" has passed my lips quite frequently...
    And so "has you are a piece of shit". I am not a very nice person when it comes to dumb men.

    Thank you

    Send him an ugly photo of Wendy the Witch then you won't see him for dust. Tell him to get lost.

    No to everything.  Just say No.

    Listen to fish girl

    Rat the bastard out. He will be back if you don't.


    My thought exactally.... Not to mention his poor wife and kids... What a creep.

    Jenn, why are you having any kind of relationship with a married man on the internet and letting it get to the point where he wants to screw you?  You have mentioned issues with fidelity, so I am thinking this is some way that you sabotage yourself.

    (I am getting ready for dinner with a friend, so will keep this short.  I know, for a change.)  MY OPINION is that you stop having any kind of interaction with this man immediately.  You do not tell his wife (maybe she thinks you are coming on to her husband and is getting ready to rat you out?).  There is nothing to be gained by saying anything to her.  There is nothing to be gained by having anything more to do with him.

    Then, you find yourself a therapist who can help you figure out why you put yourself in the situations you find yourself in and how you are going to stop doing that!  I have a hunch that it has something to do with your "self-esteem".

    If I am off base with this, I apologize.  I've not been here long enough to really know much about everyone yet.  If I am close to bing on the mark, I hope you take me seriously.  Love you.


    You have no reason to apoligize.... I asked for opinions...
    I am faithful to my hubby, but my mind wanders. I am probably harder on myself about it than I need to be. I would like for the only man I think of to be my hubby. But i have a weak constitution, I suppose.
    This jackass, who I have never met, just started messaging me on facebook. I asked if I knew him. He said that we had never met, but he wanted to come visit me. I told him to go to hell. But was curious about who he might be. So I tooked on his profile,And he was married and had a small child. I felt terrible for her. I can only imagine that this tactic has worked before for him. Goodness at all of the drama, and disease he could be bringing home to this girl.

    What a sleezeball. He must think he is pretty hot to think you would want him at all when you have a life and he has wife/child. An ex-bf wanted me to friend him on FB. We hadn't ended on a high note; I opted for "not now". He requested again, and I demurred, "not now". I got a message from FB asking if I knew the guy. I think they would have blocked him from me if I'd said "no", just to prevent a stalking situation. If you seriously don't want this man around, ASK FB if he can be blocked from you.
    No suggestions on the wandering mind. You might look into a few therapy sessions to focus on that and, if you need to strengthen your constitution, how you do that. Keep us posted on how this plays out with Mr. 2-Face.
    Don't beat yourself up, either, but try to remember to treat others the same way you want to be treated. How would you react if you found out your hubby was having relationshhips with other women, via the Internet? """Do unto others............."""

    Do unto others... that is where I get a little confused.... I would want someone to tell me.. It would give me the oppertunity to work on a proplem I did not know I had, before it ruined my marriage. But I am not most ppl. I face things head on and dont bury my head in the sand.

    I have block the guy from my fb account. And I have decided to leave well enough alone. I cant take on the world right now. But the sleeze is going to mess with the wrong girl one day. Karma is a b*^%$.

    I see what you are saying. If I were the wife and a woman I didn't know gave me that info, how would I react? If she already knows he is like this and puts up with it, it will just make her sad (she isn't going to change anything). Maybe she is the kind who holds him blame-free in everything and goes off on you...she could make your life difficult. Back to the why you are there entertaining a relationship of any kind with a man not your husband.... If YOUR husband finds out (because of the wife or husband), what happens to your marriage? Losing trust in any amount damages relationships. Some women can't accept their husbands are cheaters (or flirt with it) and refuse to acnowledge the possibility...the hubby claims that you were the agressor and now it's "he said, she said". Or, God forbid, she goes off the deep end, and people end up stabbed, shot, or poisoned. Then, remember, there is a child in the picture. Lastly, is there any part of you that maybe just wants to get back at him?
    If you think telling the wife will result in something positive and beneficial to her (and you don't know the first thing about her), then proceed, but your tale must start at the beginning and leave out nothing. You don't just blurt out the punch line without setting the stage for it. FULL STORY

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you could be translated as do what is good and right and just in your relationships with others. You want others to be kind and fair with you.
    And, don't do this again. Look for ways to make the reltionship with your husband more fulfilling. Realize that you don't need validation of your attractiveness (inside and out) from strangers on FB or anywhere else. It's the people who know you and love you that matter.

    "He gave you an invite to "Do him "well do him "Kick his Balls in.Then get your husband to do the same ."He will be singing a Jerry Lee Lewis song "GREAT BALLS OF "FIRE.

    I wouldn't tell his wife. I'd just leave. 

    I am glad you are sleeping next to your best friend.  Pray that the guy will see his wife in a new and better light and want her more than ever.  Hard to do but hope is always there.  He is the one who needs to change.

    It is a modern accepted fact that a woman can do anything she wants, especially if it f'eels good'. And no-one is permitted to stop her or even criticise her. She can 'follow her heart; or be 'swept up' in passion. She can 'explore her erotic multi-faceted nature'. With whomsoever she wants.

    So, equality would mean a man can do the same. Shirley?

    Further, telling the spouse about it would only cause him/her to object. That is already declared to be 'abuse'. 'Controlling'; 'Restricting outside friendships'; 'criticising'; 'emotional violence'. etc etc. So you would simply be instigating an occasion of abuse and therfore a felony.

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