    Who’s our creator?

    0  Views: 709 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    God who lives outside of space and time.


    Yes GOD is to be found everywhere. HE is beyond time and space and human imagination/thinking. You keep HIM with you and HE is with you.

    Depends on what you believe.........

    God, as in the Bible, is my answer.

    GOD is the creator of everything. HE is gives life and takes it when HE pleases. HE is omnipotent.


    You make Him seem so cold. He takes lives when he pleases? Like a random game huh?

    Targeting..... targeting.......

    *Zap* You're dead!


    *Zap*! Now you're dead!.....

    Maybe we choose our own expiration date before we are born. Maybe God only gives and never takes because unconditional love is all about giving and never taking.


    HE decides the expiry date, time and moment. No just because HE takes away life(soul) does not make him cold. Remember HE lovesyou more than you can ever love HIM. Is death the problem? why?

    Death is no problem not for me anyway. It's simply a continuation to set up a new life time. It was the way you worded it. Very cold. I do not agree that He decides when our time on earth is up. I believe we set ourselves a time limit for the lessons we choose for this lifetime. There are no accidents, there are no mistakes, God does not pick and choose. God does not *zap*. If He did, evil would not exist.

    So what's your expiry ? (Not best before) since you seem to know. Colleen to give and take life is his perogative so don't try taking that away.

    It is when it is. I choose not to know even though I as Soul do know. I know it in my Soul consciousness but do not need to know it in my mental consciousness. There's no point in my knowing when I will transition out of this life. I just live until the day I expire. Because I have no fear of dying, I'm good with that. People who fear dying are the ones who fixate on when they will die. I have no concerns over where I will go when my body dies. I will continue on and I will create a new life where I will learn more through different experiences that can only come through existence outside of the heaven worlds. Soul has no expiration date, so why worry?

    Don't try to give Him something He does not want. Love does not take away a Soul's experiences. He is love and only love. We check out only when our contract is complete. No before. We made the decision of life expectancy before we were born.

    Al Gore. He created Global Cooling, Global Warming and the Internet. THIS man can create just about anything.

    vger, a star trek thing

    Charles Darwin.


    Thought he was the "finder"?

    Matthew 7:7 'Seek and ye shall find'.

    Mathew Darwin?
    Was he related?

    Dunno, check him out on Facebook.

    Allah !!!


    Provider of 72 virgins. He's got MY vote !

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