    I want your thoughts about a situation I had

    For the last 2 or 3 months and at least 2 times a week I have noticed a black

    man on a motorcycle park on my block and then a car with a pretty white girl

    pulls up and parks her car. She would get out of her car and the man will

    give her a helmit and they both ride off on the motorcycle. 2 times i see

    when they have returned, which is about 2 hours later.

     Last nite was the 3rd time i see them return, only this time i was walking

    my dog and we were about 20 feet away from where they stopped the motorcycle

    and she got off and when her helmit came off, I knew who she was. She is

    married to a guy that works with my brother. My brother and her husband are

    close friends. She stared at me for like 30 secs and said " hi this prob dont

    look good but i can explain" ... I said "no need 2 explain anything to me "

    When i started to walk away she says to wait a min , she needs to talk with

    me. I walked down to my house and waited a few mins. The guy on the bike

    leaves like 10 mins later and she walks down to me.  First she tells me some

    stupid story that she might buy that motorcycle for her husband. And he was

    giving her a ride on it. I told her that i have seen them both meeting here

    for the last few months. And not to worry, I wont say anything. We talked for

    at least 30 mins with tears rolling down her eyes and lots of pleading. Each

    time i would say, not to worry, I wont tell anyone. Just think if it was

    being done to you, how she would feel.

    Well about 3 hours ago my doorbell rings and its her. She tells me that she

    was worried all night that I will say something. Then she says that if she

    would do anything for me ( like  sex ) , will i promise not to say anything. I once again told her dont worry , i wont tell anyone.  Now she starts

    getting mad at ME ! ... LOLOL Yelling at me that she dont believe me. She

    says that she will trust me only if i let her do something for me. She says,

    I will give u the best sex ever, if i promise not to say a thing.    Now dont mis-understand me, I do LOVE sex ALOT , and she is a sexy girl, but what turned me off about her was when in the beginning the stupid story she was telling me about how she just met him and she wanted to buy the bike and blah blah blah.  It was like she was telling it to a kid who would believe her.

     I waited a few mins to think, then i said, how about you clean my house a few times for a month. Then she says ... " I am not a maid for anyone " Then I replied , " OK how about me giving you a spanking ? " I looked at her with a serious face.  She asked me just what i had in mind. And I told her what I meant.  We talked bout it for awhile, then she says for me to give her my number and she will consider it. Few mins later she left.  Now here is my question. Did I handle this in the right way? And if she never saw me again after last night, I would not of said anything to anyone. But when she came here today and ran on and on about still not believing me, the madder i got listening to her.

     Any thoughts ?

    +5  Views: 1224 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    what state do you live in?
    ole hipster

    You are sick.....just read your so-called question and I are sick!!

    He's not sick, he's just a man. I would have gotten mad too. To not be trusted is a sad, sick state of mind...

    Well this is the latest news........ I told my brother to tell the guy. And to just inform everyone, No one scares me at all. I am very able to defend myself against most anyone. Besides , I just wanna live life knowing I made a few people happy

    21 Answers

    Number one, she trying to put you in a situation so you don't reveal her secret to her husband. Number two, I would tell her, you made your bed so lie in it. Number three, Tell her, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. So please don't come back, now, get the steppin'.


    Tell her, I say what I mean and I mean what I say. ....... I LIKE that ! thanks again for a reply pam

    You're welcome, banksizit. Good luck! :-)

    This is a mentally unstable woman. Dont open the door or talk to her anymore. Also you know nothing about the man with the motorcycle. They both could do you harm. Call the police if she comes to your house again.


    best answer yet.

    I would be very careful of this woman she sounds a little nutty be very careful and dont open the door if she is there try and be with someone if she comes round and just be firm and say I am only going to tell you one more time I dont want anything from you and I will not tell the husband and thats a promise but if you keep coming round here I will inform the police as I have evrything recoreded and its not in the house or if anything happens to myselve they will be coming for you I have had to be like this as you are quite scarry so now leave me alone and dont come back good luck


    Good Answer.

    thanks Dollybird lol

    Stay out of her life.  Just ignore it.  You have nothing to gain.  If the husband finds out because of you, she'll know you were the cause.  It's her life, not yours.  Leave it alone.

    Her "boy friend" could do you or your loved ones some harm.  Be careful when a dog is cornered.



    trust me , if i never see her again, i would ne happy

    Tell her if she does not leave you alone, you will tell her husband and then report her to the police as a stalker. She sounds like a nutjob. Stay away from her and keep her out of your house! I can only imagine the STD's she might have.


    I never thought about that colleen , telling her that if she dont leave me alone, I would tell. And I must agree she is a nutjob. Thank you my dear !!!

    Arm yourself.

    You have a problem! Stay away from mental illness 101 ! Her husband, and boyfriend. Your dealing with 3 people that don't sound to healthy, mentally. Anything could happen. Explain this to the police, and have them write a report up. You want it on file.

    Now knowing a little about this woman,  the husband will be hard to convince that you didn't spank his wife, or have sex with her. You admitted to talking with pretty girls about doing this activity. Do not give people that kind of fuel to use against you! Not crazy people!

    Copy this question for your files to prove you were seeking advice. Just to be safe. If it lands in court.

    Do not open your door to her! And for God sake if you gave her your home phone number get it changed! ASAP!

    I deal with nuts everyday! This is no joke! They take things to a different level, not anywhere you want to go!

    Be safe!


    daisy very wise advise lol

    Thank You!

    The guy that works with your brother probably now has a sexually transmitted disease.. Tell your brother now so the disease transmission path will stop. I dont give a damn about hurting somebodies feelings or marriage. If she wants to mess around with that guy she's not worth living with. If she is offering you sex, guess what , you will get it. The black guy has a criminal background. Warn your neighbors and report to the police. Dont get weak about this, you need both of them of the out of the area. There is something mentally wrong with her hanging around a guy like him.

    Should of asked her to give you the motorcycle she was supposedly buying.


    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL so far thats the best !!!!!!!!!

    lololololololololololololol -- Don't even think of it. lolololololol

    She is a nervous wreck by the sounds of it,and so she should be.Don't let her implicate you in her little sexual adventures,she is a liar and a cheat and not to mention a complete nut case.Her husband deserves to know about her infedelity,just keep out of it and let her live with a guilty concience.

    ERROR CORRECTION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    In my comment with first sentence -- "I've been stalked."

    I went on to say ... "We slept in motels for three weeks. On the weekends when it was too expensive, we slept in the car..................

    OMG: I did not mean I slept in the car and motel with the stalker. I slept with my husband. 

    The motels in our area were crazy expensive ... like $150.00 a night on weekend.

    My Face is red.


    I caught it, but I understood what you were saying. It's all good. Now that your red faced, may I laugh?
    Not because the error was funny, but because you are to cute!!!!

    I've been stalked. Terrifying. We slept in motels for about three weeks. On the weekends when it was too expensive we slept in the car. And then we sold our house and left the area without telling ANYONE where we were going. I think you should report this woman BEFORE anything happens so the police just have an idea of what's going on.  She's crazy and probably on some drug and so is her boyfriend and husband.  You are in danger.

    Don't play with that spanking fantasy hobby,  Bad boy! tsk tsk.   : D



    me too it's scary! Why do men do that??

    I am stuck on the spanking thing.. What does that mean?.... Honestly  I would tell him annonomously.  There are ways.


    Since spanking is a hobby of mine and i love to bring up the subject in most conversations I have with attractive females.... so spanking is just what it means , a nice over the knee (my knee of course) bare butt , my hand , her butt , spanking.


    Well that is Banks for you!!!! He is nothing if not honest!


    I can't believe you would would even consider making a deal with this woman.  You told her you wouldn't say anything.  That should be enough.

    Then she comes back and offers you sex, which is disgusting, and you start trying to make a deal with her to get your house cleaned?   Why would you even want this lunatic IN your home? Spanking her????   You have got to be kidding.  Now you are just being a pervert; this woman is screwing around on her husband and I can get a piece of the action?  Again, WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT ARE YOU.
    You then give her your phone number so she can THINK about your proposition.  You realize that you are commiting extortion to ask her for anything in exchange for you keeping your big fat mouth shut (which obviously you can't do because you have spread it all over here). You'll be lucky if she doesn't go to the police and tell them YOU approached HER and threatened to expose her if she didn't give in to your sexual demands.




    Harsh words, but needed to be said. I think you have the best advice.

    I hope the questioner listens to you. Her answer is filled with WISDOM. Read and digest!

    Two thumbs up! or more! Your's should be best answer!


    Couldn`t agree more, this guy is either a complete nutter a controll freak or taking the piss out of us here. If he is as old as he pretends to be he doesn`t need our help to tell her to bugger off or he will tell the cops she is stalking him.
    Personaly I think it is a big send up by some snotty nosed teenager.

    I am glad you three agreed with me. I thought perhaps it was "too much", but I took him seriously. If it is a joke, this guy needs to check out of here. If it's not, he needs to check IN to a psych unit.
    This kind of stuff isn't funny in today's world.

    Banksizit: Keep cool. I kind of understand where you are coming from. You're a joker. 

    I guess you learned that this time was not a time for that. I learned some things too. Yeah, get it on file. That's for the best.  


    Let us know what happens. We NEED to know. You know that. We're all kind of scared. This

    is a tight group here.  You found that out.

    Your friend,

    Itsmee  9/5/2011


    TO EACH IS OWN, but, I'd have to inform her husband (#1) Wouldn't you want to know if it was reversed (#2) It violates my beliefs (#3) To me not to tell makes one just as GUILITY (#4) Your more than likely already marked for harm/death or being set-up for a fall but, YOU have to decide, WHAT'S RIGHT AND WHAT TO DO, WE CAN ONLY SUGGEST!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I dont think informing her husband is good idea. If you want to tell anyone, tell the Police, but if possible, keep out of it, and ignore her.

    theres some odd people about........

    Mr. if you consumate adeal of any kind with this wooman  you are letting  yoourself wide open for  way more than you  can imagine.  to me it sounds as  she may have you targeted  for  her fall guy.


    Yes, good point. The "fall" guy may need to face her husband and the other guy may go free.

    Why did you ask her to give you a spanking?  That's kind of weird banksizit. 


    LOLOL.. no I said that I give her the spanking. Its a hobby of mine. Btw, I told my brother to tell the husband.

    just tell her to show you her boobs then tell her there you go its all good have a good life cuz by the sounds she aint going to leave you alone o and get a pic of them then send them to everyone you no with the word cheater


    Wow ... We get some answers. In a way, I like it but he could get himself killed. So I don't.

    banksizit, so what happened after you told your brother to tell the husband.  So I guess you are in to S&M or just the spanking?  Are you  married?  Come on, tell me/us!   yvonne57


    LOLOL.... not really into s&m ... but I think watching a females ass slowly turn pink and wiggle as it is across my lap is GR8 ! I am single, was engaged 2 times, then I like to say .... " I sobered up !! ..LOL " And finally , my brother said that the hubby knew something was going on.

    BTW, ever been spanked ? ..LOL

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