    whats your opinion of men/young adults wearing sagging pants?

    I have seen more butts than I care to. A man mowing the grass in the city, pants had dropped to his knees, he kept mowing. The police and many sightseers watched. nothing was said or done. It is exposure and the man should have been arrested. There are signs now in windows, including the library, No Sagging Pants allowed. If they can say, "no shirt or shoes allow" Why not sagging pants too? I'm afraid they will take off their pants and enter nude!

    0  Views: 495 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Lol Some people are so desperate for attention that they will do anything . When young men show off their flannel lingerie young women think its sexy . What would they think if us seniors did it as well ??? These people are morons and arent worth the time it takes to respond .Nuff said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Talk to the girls. They do not think it's sexy. This is an all boy thing. Sometimes I wonder if all the boys haven't gone Bi and they are showing their asses off to each other since the girls do not care to see them. ;)

    we have 50 years olds doing it!

    Fad, give it time and something else will come along to replace it…another fad. Children grow up and adjust to the practical facts of life rather than attracting attention to the observation that their clothing is about to fall off…oh, it’s another fad. 

    It's a statement, like all other fads of the past, a statement-- This one also annoys me but if you say something, they will throw the PC card at you.. They say its their culture... Other than that, I absolutely think it makes them look several IQ points lower-- as I think ball caps sideways to me has the same effect.  This style is prison born..  The concept of baggy pants comes from prison culture as the prison guards would make a trouble maker prisoner wear pants that was too large for them without a belt, they were forced to walk around holding their pants up and would think twice about starting a fight because their pants would fall down.. this worked for awhile but now it is a sign of 'tuff guy'.. Its a badge now.. Nobody wants to mess with a guy wearing baggy sagging pants because he is bad azz..


    Huddies been allowed is bad also. They were used so much, during riot in UK. and in many places.

    boneheads for sure....looks stupid...

    Thank goodness that style is working it's way out of CT. I was in PA last week and saw it again which made me realize, I no longer see it here. I started saying something to the saggy pants wearers. I'd tell them to pull their damned pants up! No one cares to see their crap stained underwear. It embarrassed them and they would pull their pants up. I never had one mouth back at me.  People in my state got sick of it I think because I heard many people telling kids to pull their pants up. Our schools don't allow it either. I pretty much said all this when in PA when out at a restaurant with my two brothers. 3 young boys walked in, all 3 with their pants around their knees. I first said, well there goes my appetite (loudly) while staring at them and then proceeded to say what I've written here. They all heard me and all 3 pulled their pants up.


    That would have been my response. It has gone to far here. The man mowing the grass was in his 50's.It's not just the kids, it's the adults too. The school s were told they were powerless in stopping it. They just came up with a new idea. They are going to give every student a belt at the start of the school year. They have to wear them. They'll think around the belt. Pity they don't use that brain for a product future.

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