    I just read where a man died from a tooth ache that got infected and went to his brain sadly this man had no money to pay for his antibiotics and pain medication together and choose pain meds over antibiotics bad choice yes, but he could not afford both meds. your opinion please.

    +6  Views: 1662 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: medicine

    This would never happen in the UK our NHS is the best .But the tory party are trying to go private like USA pay for health NO chance our NHS started in 1945 we pay insurance through our wages employees pay half, employer the other half. great system.

    Dowsa, you are very lucky to live in the UK. You have one of the best healthcare systems. The US. could have done the same a long time ago. Waste and fraud in our system runs into billions of dollars.

    all of the UK is still smaller than the whole USA, so that's why it works there, adn " free " health care for all won't work here.

    21 Answers

    Yes it can happen.In fact a friend of ours with a 7 year old boy had had a similar experience.The boy had a toothache for over a week before he complained to his mother because he was afraid to go to the dentist.When she got him to the dentist he was rushed to the ER at our local hospital because the infection was so bad they were worried about brain damage.They operated to remove the tooth.The kid's OK now.Amazing really as this only happened last week.


    Haven’t seen you around. Miss you.

    Been awful busy Itsmee.I'll catch up soon.

    ok : )

    Welcome to America!

    There are people dying everyday of illnesses that are very treatable in the USA.

    It cost $8,400 a year in the South for insulin! Guess how many people pay it?

    In America people with no money or little income are treated, there is no question about this, go to a local ER and they will treat you by law! This is priority, details are worked out later-- Just be sure that you are not lying because when you are cured of this 'thing' they will come after you with a vengeance!   People here in the US are being treated everyday that are without income, we do not let people die that can not afford to live..  Makes you wonder 'just what is Obamacare' We've had this for years.. 

    The major problem with health care in the USA is that we have too many illegals that use the ER as their personal family doctor.  I myself a working American that has healthcare had to sit in the Urgent care for almost 6 hours as I wasn't important enough to treat, they brought in children with runny noses and drunks that were in a fight before me, I had two kidneys shut down!  And I paid for my healthcare!!  Medical teams are so afraid of retaliation from ACLU and other minority protection agencies including civil rights lawyers that protect illegals that they see patients with healthcare insurance as secondary responsibilities..  I almost died in the emergency room because of this..



    THANK YOU!!!!!

    Vinny, I work in health care, your in for a rude awakening. Everything you said was true 30 years ago. The ER might give you a shot of insulin, what about the next shot? If you do not have $700 for month supply, you go without, regardless of race. Hospitals in America only have to treat you in the ER if it is life threating without health Care, That is the law. If they treat you, without health care and you are not dying, it's out of the goodness of their hearts.
    You waited 6 hours to see a doctor? I have seen people wait 3 days camped on the lawn at hospitals in the state of Louisiana to see an ER doctor. I was more than horrified! I have been to 22 states! Stay where you are, it sounds like you are in an excellent state. On the East and West coast its bad, but a lot better than the middle of this country. It looks more like a third world country out there!
    If the hospital you are going to is a Catholic hospital you fare better. They have their own policies, they turn no one away. You are still stuck with paying for your meds. There are very few programs. Look in stores throughout the south, there are jars with picture and health care problems, begging for money to pay for meds, surgeries, etc...You will not see this in any westernized country, except for the greatest country in the world.The gov shoves a lot of propaganda sorry to say, many believe it.
    I refused to believe this, I had to see it for myself.
    There are to many illegals, most are sucking our system dry, they are entitled to medicade in most states. It's sad to see an American citizen go without basic care, and see an illegal get care. There are over 72 thousand illegal in prison in the state of California, all entitled to health care. The problem is much bigger than anyone really knows. The gov lies, they only give out tiny information.
    They let you believe help is out there for the people without health care, this is a big lie! It is a government lie!
    It's like this, they have programs, it only takes 25 people. There are millions on the waiting list. They will tell you this program exist, it does, you'll never find a slot open in your life time. Get it? Help is there, but unattainable. This keeps the middle class and upper class happy, there is help out there! Like Heck there is!
    Your a good man Vinny, but you are being lied too.
    I can tell you why you waited 6 hours to see a doctor. You sent no "red flags" up! There are key words they listen for. You are not to know these words. This tells the medical professional what kind of ER they are looking at.
    2 people show up in the ER with a headache.The same type of headache.
    The 1st person tells the nurse, I have a bad headache, maybe a migraine.
    the 2nd person says, my head started hurting, suddenly, it's the worse headache of my life.
    The 2nd person will see a doctor right away, the 1st person will wait hours.
    The reason, key words, on set was sudden, worse headache of my life.
    #2 was describing a possible life threatening blood clot.
    I am not telling you what I think, I am telling you facts. There isn't enough room to explain everything, just give you an idea.

    Headless Man

    Very interesting.......

    Wow Daisy! I think you were agreeing with me.. I said that it was the law to treat, you say in a life and death situation. yes, that is the law i meant to make clear, although here is CA and i am sure other places as well, they are coming in with a head cold, yes I waited 6 hours, I don't know what better sign to give that I was in serious trouble when I am pale as a ghost, I can't even keep my eyes open, I can't hardly move under my own power and I am wanting to drink cold water constantly-- These are the signs of kidney failure, I had them all including welts all over my body.. How about this for red flags??

    I know that we had a hospital shut down out here because of illegals drained it dry.. This was a couple years ago.
    Anyway.. I think we agree for the most part.. Needless to say, when I did get in, it was still another 4 hours of them passing me from one test to another, once they realized i had something seriously wrong, then they went into high gear but still, the simplest of symptoms as I find out later, they didn't recognize.. It was on last doctor that came in and said.. i think we will take a look at your creatinin (sp)level..

    A month ago I had an uncomfortable experience in the ER. I was cold. They didn’t give me the medication that I usually take. The bathrooms were terriblle. The nurse took me to two of them before we found one that was usable. The curtain between me and the person next to me was kind of open and I heard this terrible COUGH COUGH for a long long time. The ER beds were really uncomfortable.
    I was told that the people in the ER used this as their doctors’ office. They didn’t have a regular doctor.
    I’m terrified to go to ER now - it was Hell.

    Daisy: It took me more than 6 hours to see a doctor. I was stabilized so I guess it wasn’t too important. It took me over 12 hours to go upstairs and get a bed in the hospital. I have good insurance and I was in a Catholic hospital in a California town not far from Vinny.
    Next time I go to the hospital I will try to use key words:
    “I feel like I’m dying” “I just can’t stand it” “Help me! Help me pleeeeasssse!” or ‘’HELP!”
    Thank you for your information. I think I was too quiet and stoic to get timly medical attention. All very interesting.


    That happened to me too, Vinny.See my post.

    Wow, this was two years ago, before Obamacare, now look at it! Millions of people lost their healthcare that was happy with it, forced to oblige obama now under the cloak of 'free' and Obama now takes credit for 7 million people that were forced to join. This is blackmail, Of these 7 million, nobody knows how many are paying. I now stand even more firm on my claim above that the illegals and other leaches will receive better care than paying Americans. Obama already gave a 32% raise to foodstamp recipients, meanwhile only gives 1.5% to social security recipients that PAID for this by working all their lives. He calls it an entitlement! It's money owed to seniors! Cut military to a point where we are a laughing stock, all this in order to subsidize this outrageous Obamacare attack on the middleclass workers. USA is not a socialist government, soon it may be time for another revolution. Got one now with the ranchers in Nevada.

    That is unacceptable. How come Medications are 30-60% cheaper in canada and much cheaper elsewhere? Big Pharma doesnt care about the plight of people who cant afford theire overinflated prices.We desperatly need  some form of Healthcare. Obamacare is not the answer.


    Health care in this country is so expensive because technology has passed up our ability to pay for it. With heart transplants, lung transplants, etc. etc. etc. I don't want someone with the mental capacity of a dishwasher performing my medical procedures.

    Some of the things medicine can do today is beyond imagination. And it costs money. Would anyone like to have the health care King Edward I had ???? In BRAVEHEART he just laid there till he croaked ....

    Totally sad to have this happened in this country.


    wow it's a prety sad world when we spend more on our pets than our own poor (usa). i know a guy whoo pulled out 7 of his own teeth cause he has no health insurance...


    man thats awesome 7 good gosh

    i just realized i left out the word "no"
    Headless Man

    Maybe if he had invested in a toothbrush he could have saved some teeth.


    Didn't FDR make a pledge to Americans that after WW2 they would have a health system free at the point of delivery and funded out of taxes?

    In the UK the NHS is creaking but continues to provide health care for all, though dental treatment is not free.


    same in Oz.we have NHS too,but still the waiting times at Ers is long.We once waited over 12 hours to see a Dr with our daughter & it was life threatening.She had a blood clot.
    (& my blood was boiling)

    Tommy, back in '07, I waited in the ER for 11 hours !! for vag bleeding from endometrial cancer. There were about 300 peole waiting in the waiting room .....mostly blacks and Arabs. They took them in before me. Then, after I got in , I had to wait another 5 hours.Then, a foreign woman GYN came in and said the person who does CAT scans isn't here, adn that I should leave and go home and go to my own GYN.Then I had to take a cab home 11 miles at 5am.

    If you are asking what I would do in that man/womans' particular circumstance...pain will drive you absolutely crazy and all one wants is relief from the same and I would understand why that person would opt for the pain meds over the antibiotics for some relief. is sad that he could not have either the affordability or the options for him/her to obtain both, espcially in this country. There is no reason why this person should have had to die over such a really trivial thing such as a toothache (albeit a serious one)....just goes to show you the absolute lousy medical system we have in this country....(:

    Headless Man

    I don't he had to die if he had realized the seriousness of the case.

    absolute travisty

    US ranks 37th in healthcare .All wealthy Nations provide Universal Healthcare exept the US. The right to health is relevant to all Nations.. In Canada healthcare is provided on the basis of need, rather than the ability to pay. In the UK no one has to consider if Insurance Premiums have been paid, nor has to show credit before Ambulance will pick them up. Europe spends far less on healthcare while managing to cover all its cititzens, France has half the cost of US. healthcare. Cancer patients get premium treatment in France.Germanys uninsured is only 0.2%(Illegal Aliens)The US has 18% uf cititzens without insurance. Germanys Healthcare System started in 1883, followed by Norway in 1912, UK in 1948, Canada in 1966, Australia in 1975 etc.. Obama first wanted a single payer system, which is what UK and France has. But there was too much opposition. That is how Obama Care came about.  It is much worst than the single payer system.. Its people like us, who lost again.Roughly 18 000 people die each year from lack of healthcare in the US, Worst than a 3rd world country!


    Maybe there is no profit in peoples health!

    Our country gives billions of dollars to other countries, while people are starving and dying from lack of healthcare in the US. There is something very wrong with our government.

    I am not surprised!! At my local hospital if you are not dieing then you get no treatment none!! On the other hand folks with insurance get treated like kings and queens.


    And at least Obama has tried to do something about it but like anything its got its faults it seems like people resent having to help with their health care.

    You just hit the nail on the head! If you are not dying, a hospital do not have to take you. This is the law! The hospital has to make sure you are stable, then they can transfer you to a county hospital or make you leave.
    Headless Man

    If you pay big bucks for insurance you should go first.

    No! You can not put money before life. Need comes first. You want to be seen for a minor problem because you have insurance. While the man next to you is having a heart attack, who has to wait because he is uninsured? This is called discrimination. No doctor/nurse should know who has insurance and who doesn't. Not in an ER.
    It's different when your doctor puts you in the hospital for test, or surgery. Yes, you receive better care. You paid for it, and you are entitled to it.

    Thank you Daisy!! My city does not have a county hosp anymore!! It used to and no matter what was wrong with you they would take care of you . I live in a small place called Rock Hill ,,,I know go ahead and back to the issue health care is gotta get better , I see folks with medicaid abuseing the hell out of it while I still suffer with this mass in my side !! I guess it is gonna have to get as big as a watermelon this time last time I had one it was the size of a cantalope!!!Well I dont know when this is gonna be taken care of but I know that All things work out for the good of those who Love God!!

    Ann: God. Where do you live ?????
    I don't see anyone starving in my State ??

    Go to Cuba all medical is free there, it may be communist but it still has one of the best medical care  systems in the world.

    Headless Man

    IT may be free, but it's not the best.

    OK what is the best Randy.

    The USA does not have the best medical care, it hasn't for years. It really doesn't matter, it's unattainable for most Americans.
    Bulletman is right on! The health care in Cuba is either the best, or one of the best. I have read it in reports. It's at the top. The USA has shove, "We are the Greatest, the Best, The most bla, bla, bla," Lies!
    When you are in pain, or see your mom/dad suffering, or your children and you can not afford a doctor/hospital. Please tell them, Honey it's okay, our government says we live in the greatest country in the world"
    We only have 1/4 of our population hungry, most people are without health care, or basic needs. You should be proud to be an American!
    Wake Up!

    Daisy i believe they will treat Americans free of charge , no questions asked.

    I had infection down my throat inside my tounge and traveling to my brain, from an infection that started in my tooth... My hubby finallt got me to agree to go to the denist... ( I hate doctors). I had know Idea that a "tooth ache" could spread infection like that. By the time i got to the dentist I had lock jaw.

    I dont know exactly what happened with this guy... I have read several accounts. I lean toward the ones that say it was lack of medicail attention not the inavalibility of it.... That is what happened to me.


    Until it became life threatening, most hospitals would have refused him. The meds are not free, his dentist isn't going to hand them out. Sometimes they do give out samples on new meds. Knowing the cost, I'd say it was lack of funds.
    Not many people could handle the pain you must have been in. Lock Jaw can kill you. You were very lucky.
    You must really hate doctors!

    I do REALLY hate Doctors... I have NEVER gotten a correct dx. Even crushing the entire right sdie of my face... They sent me home and told me I was fine. The next morning I could not move my eye. I went to an ENT he was horrfied! I had blown out my orbital floor (bone under the eye that supports it and keeps it from falling back into your skull), broken my check bone in 3 places, and shattered my nose.
    Everyone said it would hurt SOOOO bad when they took out my wisedom teeth ( the source of the infection and lock jaw) but to tell you the truth.... OMG I was in so much less pain it was a relfief.

    It is over whelmed for sure . The system will work if you know how to make it work . Whats really sad here is so many people do not know how to access the care they can receive if they only knew how . You can get your meds if you know how to ask and who to ask . Sadly all the people from other lands know how to get help from our system better than we do .Sad but true !!!!!!! Dont whine if you dont know how .Educate yourself get busy. Just like here there are many people whos only goal in life is to help someone each day they live for it every day .  We all live here and we know so little about what help is available to us or what we may be eligible for .


    It depends on the county and state. Some state are richer and provide better services than poorer ones. I have seen people sleeping on the sidewalk trying to get in when the place open. They only took the first 50, the rest had to wait another month. Funds are to limited. They will tell you help is there, they will not tell you their limits.

    My husband has had a toothache for a long time.  I have read him choice bits of this conversation. Who knows ... This may have saved his life.  He has the diagnosis of Pulpitis. He will be going to an endodontist. (information by e-mail from our dentist)

    We’re both native Californians with good insurance. I don’t like that there are other people ahead of us even if we have serious conditions.  I had Pneumonia. I could have died. (I read my medical records) I am fortunate that they saved my life ... two times now. 



    Why did he wait when you have dental insurance ?

    To Daisy , This is disgusting that  anyone in America is treated this way , I am waiting for the day when there is and all out revolution against this kind of treatment and those who make it happen.Enough is enough this garbage must stop now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your comment .                      Bill


    Thank You. I deleted my answer. I like being a ghost, that expresses herself. I gave to much personal info. I am glad you read it. That's what I wanted.
    I hope one day the government will realize that this country does not belong to the big businesses, but to the people.The people have lost control of the government.The sat back and let it run itself. It became a Narcissist, a modern day monster. I don't know where to begin fixing it. When one government official tries to do something right, there are 30 officials shooting him down.

    Does anyone know what country this happened in?

    here in springfield, ohio the Meijer store will give antibiotics free. it has helped lots of people. some pharmacies have 4$ generic meds. i think walgreens do it too.

    Wow you have my respect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a 100% correct in all your thinking . We are on the same page you and I ,its long past time for a serious correction in the way this country does things .I currently dont have the funds for a 50.00 co pay to see the doctor. Have extreme hyper tension and am out of meds . Cant get the script filled until I see the Doctor. So its no meds and no appointment. No one is buying art work these days . Have been walking and trying for three days to move the stuff I have finished ,no luck. I have pitched my stuff at the State Fair walked for 5 hours that day pitched every vendor that would talk to me . Then I went to our Old Town area and walked from gallery to gallery and got no after no . Took the train today to Santa Fe walked for 5 hours store to store  with no after no . Round trip about 140 miles  2 and a half hours each way by train ,lucky the fair was only 8.00 round trip .So in a small way I know what its like to hit a health care wall. Its shame ful what was done to your father by this country . For that I am sorry and words just dont seem to cover what I am feeling at the moment . Thank you for your words and for what you do I am in AWE of you. My compliments to a life well lived !!!!!!!!! Hats off to you with a standing ovation from The Bluesman !!!!

    My opinion   will not bring him BACK ALIVE!!

    Well.  I'm more than happy with my Doctor.  More than happy with my treatment when I was in the hospital.   Very professional in my experience. 

    Are you sure some of you didn't either go to a WITCH DOCTOR  .... or maybe  VETERINARIAN ??

    No complaints as far as I can tell with the Medical Profession in the good old USA.   I don't quite understand Daisys comment:  " Someone got treatment in the hospital " BUT GOT STUCK WITH THE COST OF THE MEDS" 

    Well.  Who should get  "STUCK"  with it ?????????????

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