    Who has influenced you most negatively in your life? How or Why?

    If I had never met this person, I wouldn't have....................... and I'm really sorry we met!

    +6  Views: 846 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    A manager I once had who was constantly competing with me, being a manager he would actually sabotage my success in the company. A mere child! However, he was the owner's pet so i found myself in constant defense for doing good.  Makes no sense i know but once he left the company, I recovered from this negativity he put on me and i was back in business.  He actually scolded me once because my paycheck was higher than his, I said-- what do you want me to do? quit selling?? my job was to sell and he was very upset when i sold well --  Ironically, he was also profiting from my sales because manager get 2% override from all sales and he did nothing but play solitary in his office.. What an immature child he was, how he managed his position to this day I don't know other than he was an azz-kisser to the owner.. finally though, the owner saw through this.. But it took several years.  I never want to go through that again, ever.. 

    I realize I have wasted time and energy on ppl.. But I refuse to beleive they affected me negatively...

    I had a hard childhood.. but if i didnt I would not be the wife and mother I am....  I take the positive from a bad situation.

    I can't say ... it may come back to haunt me.  I will wait until after this person passes away to say anything out loud.

    My sister-in-law didn't do us any good when she stepped in and took ALL the inheritance. I didn't let it bother me too much because the same thing happened to my mother and I believe the anger she carried led to her early death. 

    Great question - I think one of my former superiors. He was very rude and thoughtful. For a while I thought you had to be that way to succeed in business.


    No one. I managed to f*** up my life by myself.

    My natural father....My stepfather is a real DAD.........

    I'd have to say my step dad has influenced me the most in a negative fashion. He broke my trust several times as well as stole money from me and created many family problems with his lies. I forgive him, but I am much slower to trust people nowadays. Maybe he did me a favor, lol.

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