    Who has influenced you most positively in your life? How or Why?

    +4  Views: 1037 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    my 8th grade school teacher, Mrs. Davis. She opened my eyes to what I thought was impossible.

    Mr. Moss, my freshman math teacher, for discovering I had a talent for math and science.

    Mr. Powell, for introducing me to Biology.

    My grandmother, for my Morals

    My father for my love of literature.

    Dr Ebert who laughed when I almost blew up the lab.(Don't take life mistakes so seriously)

    My son who taught me love and understanding.


    My grandfather.

    My parents obviously--

    but! When I was very young, my parents owned a restaurant, there was a musician that worked for the 'Wurlitzer' company, he was a traveling 'clinician' he gave live demonstrations on the Wurlitzer organs, he really liked my parents and our restaurant and he would come there and play for free!  I was so blown away by this guy, I wanted to learn to play too! dad bought me a Wurlitzer, I practiced day and night, I wanted to be like that guy.. after a few years, I became him, I was now a clinician doing what he did, I first traveled with him then myself. After a few more years, he brought me to California from Ohio my home state, I have been here playing professionally ever since, that move to CA was in 1984.. he had log since passed away but he was my inspiration.. I will never forget him.. I don't do much organ anymore except for jazz B3 (musicians know what I mean) I am mostly piano now.. And electronics of course..

    a good pal named bud weiser.....

    my father inlaw has been a great influence on me he is a fine example for me to follow

    My hubby. We give each other a reason to be more than what we were the day before.


    wow, that was a very nice answer jenn, i will say again that hubby is a lucky guy and so are you

    Thanks Banks! Lots of Love!

    My son taught me to drive. 


    That is so cool Benchong!

    Yes, indeed.

    Too may people and too many different times to name...

    My grandmother taught me about the magic of stories, to hear the train in the distance, too see the sheer curtains blow in the breeze, to pick a bouquet of Lilacs and give them to a neighbor, to sit in the Apricot tree and eat the fruit, to eat my vegetables warm from the garden. She didn't insist that I roller skate with the kids right outside my window. She baked delicious oatmeal cookies as big as my face. She sang and sang. (She had a funny voice but I loved it) She gave me a set of chocolate doll furniture and said I could eat the furniture or play with it. 

    Right before she died, she looked at me and said, "You have such beautiful hair, Itsmee." (She knew that I had always hated my hair and she wanted to please me.)

    What she taught me I took to my job as a preschool teacher. I learned much more from her than from my teaching classes


    What a beautiful tribute to someone who was obviously beautiful from the inside out. Thank you for sharing, Itsmee.

    I have to TU my parents but, don't tell them I finally admitted it.......


    Never let the parents know! Me too!

    Unfortunately, my mom passed this past Feb. Don't know that I would have ever told her the truth but, I thank her ever day now. Guess I should give my dad a call, what do you think?

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