    what western civilized country is famous for gettoes?

    0  Views: 404 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Wild it the U.S.A.?


    Elvis even made a song about them.:)

    Epic song bro...simply epic...I actually have cried hearing that one..." le' weep " to coin a Fishie phrase. This is one of many places in the USA like this….If you can do better where you are, stay there. 


    Will do! But they seem determined to build future ghettos here.Buying up houses on quarter acre blocks & building multiple town house complexes on them.On 2 blocks,side by side they can fit 12 plus town houses.GRRRR! It makes me mad.

    The intensity of money grubbers impoverishes many and makes for a lot of NEW! squalid housing. There are many get rich quick schemes that are fostered by our government such as sponsoring insurance for expensive homes in a flood plane or beach front in hurricane target zones. When you see lines of old, well built homes ground-up and dumped to be replaced by condos that are made to disintegrate in ten years I wonder what is behind this trend. Apparently culture and heritage has lost a lot of meaning…perhaps their advocates died off leaving children with golden dreams of personal wealth and the education to remain in that trend relentlessly.

    I have looked at the pics you posted & I think it's shamefull that people should be forced to live that way in a country like the USA.I have often wondered why the landlords of these slums can't be forced to clean up these areas.There must be some legislation that local,state or federal authorities can use to force their hand.It would only need someone to start the ball rolling & then the folks who live there would start to take some interest & pride in their own enviroment.(I think).

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