    is it real a snake can eat a basketball true or not.

    im asking you that because im trying to see hows right between me and my friend

    +2  Views: 806 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Looks like they'll try anything!!!!


    Perhaps lots of snakes might play b ball , but as far as eating them , NO  maybe it should be their contracts..

    Snakes can swallow large objects because they can dis-articulate their jaws, but a basket ball seems unlikely.

    When I was a child I drew a picture of an elephant inside of a snake. My teachers were impressed and shocked as there was a Freudian association between snakes and sex drive that they considered relative as a topic of discussion among themselves then…and a child of seven pops up with that!  Apparently none of them associated it to “The Little Prince” a book I had read, where the image came from.    


    Best book ever rg! ;)

    Snakes won't swallow raw basketballs. It's an established fact. The ball must be marinated in a mixture of red wine, garlic, tomato sauce, cayenne pepper, and chopped onions for 36 hhours, then baked for no more than 15 minutes at 250 degres. Bake it in the marinade. 

    Remove to large platter lined with lettuce leaves, and add just enough flour to the marinade to stir up a gravy.  Place mice, with their legs bound to prevent escape, around the ball, then pour gravy over the mice and ball.

    NOW, any snake that happens by will take a bite of mice and a slab of ball.





    around the baked ball.


    then i take my meal by eating the snake, 2 in 1 yum yum

    You have a 3 course meal: Ball, Mice, Snake! :D

    Where is Python Lover when you need her ?


    Brady Barr loves snakes so is he related to Python Lover


    a basketball is too small

    nom nom nom mmm basketball!

    A snake can't eat, because they don't chew, shame on those snakes.
    No, they could swallow anything...not anything like elephants...except anacondas they are big!
    They could swallow baby deers...NO BAMBI GOT SWALLOWED!!! D:

    So yeah they could pretty much swallow or "eat" a basketball, it's no biggie for them :3

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