    Am I the only one who hates birthdays (my birthday)..???

    It is an annual funeral... My birthday always makes me feelso insignificant.

    +7  Views: 883 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    Jenn it is nice to have birthdays it means your still living a lot of people may never see there next one give us a smile .I will give you a big big "Hug lots of XXX

    Whoot Whoot!!!!! My birthday is officailly over.. I can go back to not expecting anything from anyone.. And never getting disappionted!

    Wow, Jenn.....we must be soul sisters on some level. I have often said almost the exact thing.....I don't expect anything from anyone, and I am seldom disappointed.
    Wow. I'm sorry you feel that way; it's not a good feeling for me.

    15 Answers

    Happy Birthday to Jenn &   Benthere Hope you both have had a good day let there be many more oxoxoxoox

    To Jenn!



    that was beautiful

    Thanks Julie! Have a great Labor Day weekend. :-)

    To Benthere!






    Thanks for the twofer !

    The pleasure was all mine, Doc! :-)

    You are sweet!!!! my b day is today

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU JENN!!! You were on my list but I was tied up at the doctor's office all day, having X-rays, MRI, the works!....thus just now came on line here....I hope you have at least 35 more and twice over that to boot!....(:

    ole hipster

    P.S. Believe me when I say that you are also not alone in disliking birthdays....always found them to be rather disappointing....gets worse as you get older (and for obvious reasons!) but....girl, you're so young...enjoy them for what they are....another years passage in your own life as the consequences of not having a life rather suck, don't you think?....(:

    Are you ok Hippy? What is going on?????
    It is not the getting older that bothers me.. It is the lack of good friends and family.
    ole hipster

    If you see this comment to your comment, I'm OK....I just have a lot of spinal problems that needed tending to...not to worry....hope you had a really great birthday kiddo!...(:

    Hipster, i have spinal problems too. wish we could e-mail.

    OK .. iwish I was near you to help you out.. But my good thoughts and sunny disposition will have to do for now.. LOve you girl!!! Take care of yourself!

    Think positively.  The birthday this year is special for you because so many freinds on this site wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  We also wish you joy everyday by looking at the bright side of things.


    lovely answer,happy belated birthday jenn though of course it must be so difficult for you this year x

    Yes, me and I hate Christmas too.


    commercialism and christmas music starts right after halloween ... or before.

    I hate the idea of all the commercialized hoopla at Christmas. I like my Birthday because it's on Thanksgiving every 4 years.

    I'm not a Christmas person either b/c I lost my husband and my mom within a year and 1/2 . Then, my brother, who is my only relative, took to NOT paying any attention to me and he lives in another state. Same with my step-daughter and her kids. Many of my frineds moved away .

    Awww. Catsmom, you have us. And we love you!





    Always!!!! Well... maybe not always...

    jenn  -- you have the sweetest voice. 


    What???? When did I talk to you?

    Ok itsmee.... It is driving me crazy!!!!!!
    PLZ tell me when I spoke to you.

    Ole hipster ... you ok?  MRI's? Xrays? The works? Oh my.  i've been there, friend.

    Birthdays suck, especially the last thirty. Going to remove all the mirrors from the house. To painful to walk by them. Just a mere shell of a man I once was.


    You are crazy!!!!

    Really ed? I just can't believe it.
    ed shank

    Sorry ladies but I'm bummed out lately, lost my step father a couple of weeks ago (Alzheimer's), and my mother is so far gone, also from the same disease. Not something I'm looking forward to in the future.

    It's all in how you look at it,,,,,,if you think of it as a yearly funeral for yourself it's no wonder you hate your birthdays!   I agree that that aren't as much fun as they used to be, and I'm 48, but I try to live each month of each year with the good things I have about me, especially physically, and utilize them and appreciate them. Mental attitude has THE most power over how our lives will play out, more than any other factor and, so, for sure, seeking out and locating the good things abt your life and abt your health is the most beneficial thing you can do to improve the quality of your life as you grow older. Aging is inevitable, it's how you respond to it, for your own sake, that can make your life actually enjoyable as the years pass. And I speak this as a person who has struggled with mild to moderate depression throughout my life.  This is the one most important lesson I've learned from my experiences.


    Thank you for sharing... I too struggle with depression.. as well as some other issues. I am proud of my age and Idont mind aging.. (although time has been very gentle on my apperance). I have always had it in my head that on my birthday ppl would go out of their way to find me or be with me... I have been this way since I was a little girl... I live my live not expecting of anyone.. But it never fails... I expect on that one day. Silly I know.. But i am perfectly aware I am a nut bar...

    Wow mitchmar that was really lovley in what you wrote I to belive that one must have PMA at all time and often we just have to kick our back sides to remember it well done and thank you sharing lol

    So Jenn ---don't keep us in suspence ! So how old are you , or at least give us the decade

    I am 35. With no shame in it at all.

    Just thank God that you are healthy; and that you've got a loving family ; and enough to eat; and a car that runs; and that your husb has a job. And that your kids are ok. And give your thanks to God that you made it this far. Embrace your b/day .

    Jenn how can you be unhappy when you are so lovely to look at and have a loving heart, don`t expecpt others to see the world through your eyes but but do what you alone can do.

    BE THE VERY BEST "YOU" THAT YOU can, nobody but nobody can make a better job of being you than you. Give `til it hurts but don`t expect anything in return because as sure as the sun rises in the east if you do you will be dissapointed.

    Today is not your birthday, you only ever have one of those,but it is the anniversary of your birth and each anniversary will make you a stronger and better person until you are old and wise like me wink, wink.

    If it is any consolation I also had severe depression, but with the help of a shrink and suitable meds I triumphed and became a better person than I had ever been.

    Do this now, look over your right shoulder, see the light at the end of the tunnel?

    Happy anniversary my sweet one.xxxx

    Remember don`t wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet it. In the grand scheme of things the best person to help you is you, so get off your,I am sure cute little butt and start swimming.(((X))) your lovebug


    You are the best... How can you see those tiny little pictures of me... LOL...
    I like "the anniversary" idea...
    And yes, I need to get off of my not so tiny butt!
    You will be happy to know I literally looked over my should..:)
    Love you lovebug!

    I knew you would look over your shoulder because you know I am a smarty pants.

    Why do I not believe you are as old as you claim to be?

    Keep smoking and your birthday will be a funeral

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