    How To Give A Cat A Pill

    this is a funny one please read below thank you

    +10  Views: 911 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    Lots of laughs, Mel! :-)

    thanks Pamela oxoox

    Mel, you said in another thread that rag-doll cats don't have the feelings of pain like other cats. What do you mean? My Mom says I have a rag doll and you can tell because of his ears. What do you know about this? Thanks yvonne57

    7 Answers

     Cat 16 1 Pick up cat and cradle it inthe crook of your left am as if holding a baby ..Position right forefinge and thumb on either side of cat gently apply pressure to cheeks while hilding pill in right hand open cat cats mouth, pop pill into mouth...Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

    2 retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa..cradle cat in left arm and repeat process....

    3 Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw soggy pill away............

    4 Take new pill from fiol wrap,cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand.Force Jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger..Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

    5 Retrieve pill from gold fish bowl and cat from top of spouse from garden..

    6 kneel on florr with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front paw and rear paws....ignor low growls emitted from cat..Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand whils forcing wooden rulerinto mouth..Drop pill down ruler and rub cats throat vigorously..

    7 retrieve cat from curtain rail Get another pill from foil wrap...make note to but new rulaer and repair curtains ..carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later..

    8 Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on the cat with head visable from below armpit..Put pill in drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw ..

    9 check lable to make sure pill not harmful to humens and drink one beer to take the taste away.Apply band-aid to spouses  forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

    10 Retrieve cat from neigbours shed ...get another another cat in cuboard, and close door onto to neck, to leave head showing. force mouth open with deseart spoon..flick pill down throat with elastic band..

    11 Fretch screwdriver from garage and put cuboard back on hinges ..drink beer ..Fetch bottle of Scotch...pour a shot, Drink.. Apply cold compress to cheek and heck records for date of last tetanus shot.. Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom..

    12 Call fire Department to retrieve the damn cat from the top of the tree across road.. Apologize to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat...Take last pill from foil wrap.

    13 Using heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed, tie the little**^^%%$!*** front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dinning table..Push pill into mouth followed by large peice of Filet steak rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour two pints of water down its throat to wash pill down

    14  Consume remainder of scotch get spouse to drive you to E R sit quitely while Doctor stitches fingers and foreams and removes pill remnats from right eye furniture shop on   way home to order new table...

    15 Arrange for RSPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local pet shop to see if they any Hampsters

    How To Give A Dog A Pill

    Wrap it in Ham toss it in the air


    thanks Arryoudini you put your feet up and have a rest and chill out you deserve it have a good one ! lol

    Make the most of it are you a roadie !!

    Yea I use to live in Fulham I just listern to your brothers band on u tube yea there quite good very modern tell them good luck from me lol

    I love it. I have 3 cats - most of the time. TU for you. LMAO

    Thanks Yevonne glad you enjoyed it I know I did and you have ever tryied to give a cat a pill well it says it all thanks lol

    This is very funny reply, lol. Thanks.

    thanks Dollybird glad you enjoyed it lol

    Thqnks for the hard work and hilarious advice.

    your welcome itsmee

    thanks Dollybird it was very funnie lol

    Thank you Mel, I laugh my ass off . I needed it. Your explanation is great. LOL


    Why thanks Varon I know When I received it by email from Austraila I was laughing like mad LOL

    Hahahahahaha!!  That's gr8.I'm sending it to my daughter.(Cat lover).

    I'm off to do some work now.have a great day Mel & thanks.


    glad you enjoyed it Thommy I knew you would this the email that was sent from your place Down Under dont work too hard have agreat day LOL

    why not just crush it up and put it in with a can of his favorite food .( fancy feast is what our cat gets when he's on good behavior...)


    I know what you mean but some of our cats can smell pills a mile away thanks for the comment

    was just a thought i guess the ham trick only works with dogs and men...

    Yes Daren mMen love Ham !! he he

    its more fun mels way! ha ha ha

    Putting crushed tablet in cats favourite food does not always work,wish it did, my cat still manages to spit out food, with crushed tablet, or leave food all togeather.

    Putting crushed tablet in cats favourite food does not always work,wish it did, my cat still manages to spit out food, with crushed tablet, or leave food all togeather.

    You must follow Mellandrupert's advice. Mashing up a pill will not do it as she explained. : )

    fortunitly our cat is no longer hooked on pills.. now he smokes

    thanks carmaxble yes I think it would be more fun as well lol

    Really very funny, Mel. I will send that to my daughter in PA.


    thanks Ann glad you enjoyed it it took me ages to do it as it was email and came with loads of cats pictures so i had to do it by hand as there too many down loads lol

    I crushed up a pain pill for my very in pain cat and dissolved in water and filled an eye dropper with the me and pushed it far back into the cat's throat, squeezed out the liquid, let him puke it up and hoped some made it to his stomach..


    thats a good idea but i am the kind of person that I must know that the cat gets the full dose thank you for your answer jhharlan lol

    I hope I never have to give my crazy cat a pill.  One of us will need a tranquilizer!


    thank you lupe for your answer yes I think it would be both on the tranquilizer lol

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