    Why is my butt so big?

    +4  Views: 731 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    This all depends what age you are if you are a teenager and are in your early teens this all could be what my mom use to say puppy fat and as you grow up you will loose the extra pounds but every one now should eat senceble like your 5 a day and eat meat which is lean and stay away from fast food chains

    You are eating too much.

    princess charlie

    Is that a proven fact??

    Says who ? A woman would say " you have a big butt " but a guy might say " Mmmm, that is a nice ass " .

    If you set alot - Large butt.  If you walk alot - small butt.


    butt on---butt off

    Let me be the judge.  Can you kindly post a picture so I can view it without any bias?


    : O lol

    Too much food that are high in carbohydrate and sugar.

    Perhaps you're related to the Kardashians?


    Great answer. tee hee.

    Some women just have big butts. I have always had a small one. I come from the race of Small Butts. I have always wanted a big one to make my pants fit better. HONEST.

    ole hipster

    itsmee....I believe you as I too have had the no rear problem all my life. Hard to get a decent pair of jeans to fit real well, ain't it!?.........(:

    you ever see them fake butt underwear at walmart? i laughed till i cried. of course i was with my daughters and they were playing around

    Your butt is perfect for you.   The problem would be if you were a butt-head (now picture that).


    My friend and I used to do a great Beavis and Butthead. We were adults and it was just reallllllly stupid but I do miss her. heh heh.

    good times! more fun as adults to be silly, isn't it! Call your friend if you can.

    LOL...Love it!

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