    how do meta tags work?

    0  Views: 574 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Meta Tags do not affect the appearance of a web site and are not visible when you look at a Web page, but they provide information regarding the content of the site. Meta Tags are used primarily by search engines that scan through the programming code and text of each page.

    When you submit a web site to a search engine, that search engine sends out a robot called a "spider" or "crawler". This robot is a program that looks at your site, decides if it will be indexed, and then (if you're accepted) looks through your web page more thoroughly before finally indexing it into a specific search engine database.

    It is during this stage that having properly written Meta Tags is important. If the spider or crawler encounters optimized Meta Tags on your home page it will have a much easier time when looking at the rest of your site. Meta Tags make the spider's job easier by providing the spider the information it is looking for such as, keywords, a description, rating, and other variables. creates properly written and optimized Meta Tags for our customers that Improve your search engine ranking and help generate highly targeted traffic.

    For more information on Meta Tags visit Frequently Asked Questions

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