    how do you eat a chicken

    do you have it cut upor not

    +1  Views: 795 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers


    country bumpkin

    His last words were, "I should have never crossed that road"! (*~*)


    Read here>>



    The wing thing-I never knew.
    I like the drumstick walkthrough-
    "When you finish, wipe your mouth with a different napkin." :) Very proper!
    Although, there is still some chicken on that bone haha!

    country bumpkin

    This is what I was originally looking for, a Ms.Manners type of answer such as NEVER pick a piece of chicken up with your hands, only use a fork and knife etc.

    I'm game.
    Be right back, I'll bring some wet-naps..pudder..pudder...pudder..
    country bumpkin

    Thanks Fig. I actually watched it! (*~*)

    Now that's good manners Missy, let us sup.

    Plucked and cooked preferably.


    You can speak plainer then that,?????




    I Like your plymouth rock,

    That's a good looking chicken.

    Is that a foul support group or what?

    Pssssstttt.... These particular chickens are on the Foul United Congress Committee... High, high, high flying chickens, they are! ....... You didn't hear that from me.

    Uh-oh ;0....Do you mean to tell me that they are members of the FUCC ;O? We may need some damage control if this matter isn't addressed.
    ....not that there's anything WRONG with many typos these know. Otherwise...yeah.....HIGH HIGH HIGH Chickey Baby!


    The Foul ... and you know the rest, has summoned you to the Chicken Chamber on account of your foul-like sense of humor. Your appointment is 10:00 pm. sharp on March 28, 2013 ....
    Oh yes! This news just in! Matilda Hoffinspeeper has nominated you for the Silver Beak Award... this is a Stellar Day for a Fig!! Dang! I hope you have a chicken suit! The event is always eggcellent and speggtacular! Please refrain from any omlette jokes. Skanitt von Preston-Linkslinks truly was in bad form last year and lost the award to Norman Boiler. An unfortunate event, I must say... A case of too much Egg Nog. Sad and True.

    (My suggestion: Stay away from the 'Nog' until the awards have all been announced... Enjoy the After Egg Parties and try the Mimosa instead!)

    Norman Boiler!!
    We should write childrens books! Well, you.
    Sorry, no mimosa for me.
    I'm a pickled fig,(now)I can do anything.....(else). (Morrison,Fig,late 60's).

    1) buy or rent chicken suit
    2) replace omelette jokes with egg-beaters
    3) pay tribute to Norman snickering.
    4) try not to stare at their butts
    5) don't ruffle any feathers
    6) Have Pun!!


    Oh, French Toast!! Who's going to drink the Mimosa?! I am one allergic Fish to all elements of the festive libation kind and of course, I will be far to busy with the arrangements and flair! ... Oh! I know!!! I will send a side kick along... How about ... Eggnicky Stixx plus one more 'x' ... That Rooster can really hold his fizzy beverages!

    Your list has it all going on... Yep and check, check, check. A car will be by to pick you up. Have a wonderful Thyme and Basil. I will wave if I see you fltting by although, I am sure you will be far to busy signing Egg-o-graphs! Fame can be pun!

    Oh, Powdered sugar! Just set up a camera to monitor the mimosa and we'll see who pecks it up.
    Eggnicky Stixx!!Haha. Way too cute a name.
    You are so good with names, my hat's off to ya Feeshlette. I'm more of a contrast and perspective changeling myself ;)

    Eggograph-Schmeggograph. You'd better not miss me, send me a photo of your suit (shoes) before-foot and I will find you. I'll be the one with the green cackle with the smirk on So pitfull just to be nominated!


    Hollandaise Sauce Le' Figgy-One!! I do believe you are are the front runny egg in your nominated cat-egg-ory. Your pen will run out of yolk before nights end! And, on top of it all, today you were voted Chicka-licious in Frittata and Flair Magazine!

    I thank you for your kind compliments. These cornball ideas come naturally to me as I seem to have misplaced the serious side of adulthood somewhere in France. It was such a whirlwind of a visit. I forgot to pack my maturity upon leaving and I have not gone back to pick it up... Le' Sigh.

    On the subject of shoes... Pepto Bismol Pink Flip Flops and a Specked Egg dress to match. You won't be able to miss me. Oh my Easter Bunny, I am sooooo excited!

    Here comes Peter Cottontail
    Fishy's so excited she's a flippin' her tail
    Flippity Floppity Easter's on it's way......

    My white Sussex,has been reading all this and feels a bit ruffled,at some of the goings on,

    Hello Dennis!
    White Sussex have beautiful plumage, I hope he's not too ruffled ;)

    That's a great looking chicken! Dennis, I am very sorry for the stress I have caused your beloved Chicken. A table front and center for the ceremonies has been reserved. You, your White Sussex and two dates will be dining in pastel style with the Easter Bunny himself. And, as a side-bar... not to leave the infamous Figly-One out ... Fig-o-rama will be dining with the lot of you as well ... you know, the Fig and Eggnicky ... can't leave the fizzy drinking one out either... he makes a scene if not happy ... so inconvenient this time of year.
    Take care all, have pun and don't forget to completely ignore that Fish Eating Friday Event! (It is mighty tough on us here fishie type!) I am off to have my nails painted and my flip-flops fitted. Woot!

    How could you eat this.""


    Watch out for the tiger!

    That's why she's wearing glasses, to see him coming.
    figtree3 does have the proper specs :)

    I'm partial to chopsticks.


    Leon Russell is great. Isn't he ?

    I would slaughter it first, it makes biting into it easier, and cleaner! 


    The tiger didn't mind.

    I figured I would get some flap over that... And I probably will, animal rights, etc...

    Depends, if it's a roast for the family I serve it in portions, if it's for visitors I prefer to put everything on the table and let people take what they wish

    I prefer to roast it whole in the oven. Then I start by eating the crispy bum :d

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