    Is people food really bad for dogs?

    I've been told that giving your dog "people food" is very dangerous. Is this true:? We treat our dog like a garbage disposal...

    +6  Views: 700 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    our cats eat any thing that hits the back porch

    7 Answers

    Just watched a video today about certain vegies and fruits are good for dogs. Blueberries, mangos, apples, carrots, potatoes, etc. You do have to learn what foods are bad for them though. Boiled chicken and steamed rice are good for diarrhea.

    Nope, I grew up with two dogs and they ate the same food we did, nothing special! And they lived long and happy.

     Puppies You do have to be careful in what you feed your dogs scaps are not good as this will only put weight on a dog I think scraps are ok as long as you then dont give him another dog food dinner most dogs dont know any better than eating scraps chicken (no bones) is fine but some dogs get really bad diarrhea but rice is good and pasta but there some friuts that can kill a dog you need to do some research on what and cant give your dog for food good luck


    Some, yes. Chocolate can KILL a dog.


    yes that is true chocolate can kill dogs
    Headless Man

    Dark chocolate, who would give that

    chicken bones  not good  splinter  and puncture  the digestive tract

    people wake up they are selling crap and calling it healthy for your dog if it were fit for humans it would be sold to humans i saw awoman last week pay for her food with food stamps then buy 20 bucks wortth of high dollar dog food that looked like it was packed in tupperware.the madness must stop if you cant feed yourself do you really need a dog

    must admit my dog gets a fair amount of scraps ,probably accounts for why hes got the nickname"fat botty"!!!!!

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