    is it ok for men to wear bras when they have large breasts

    +3  Views: 1029 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    That is entirely up to you,but a word of warning they can be uncomfortable,us women can tell you that.


    specially the ones with underwires. OUCH

    Maybe a python would work instead. If it's too loose, the coils could be tightened; if too tight, loosened.

    I see no reason why not, but I think a sports bra might work best.

    They help to keep your ears warm in the winter time,,


    Yes and the strap fits nicely under the chin. Crash helmet on top and away you go ,on your bike.

    I have known of men who without any medication to boost their condition, grew breasts and could nurse children. Some family lines have this normally among men and have had this condition throughout their recorded history. 

    I would assume so if that is what they wish to do but weird to me.

    Truly, you want to exhaust other options first.

    I imagine it all depends upon what makes you the most comfortable you trust strangers to help you make that decision ?

    That is a decision a person has to make for themselves,,but for me,last resort stuff only..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Only if they wear matching silk panties.

    Bars make you look bigger and worn for support. I'd try reduction first. Your insurance may pay for it.

    A cheap bra is DUCK TAPE

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