    Should weed be legalized ?

    0  Views: 609 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    cant see why not,i would rather be in the company of someone that is stoned to someone who is drunk.
    i live in ca. it's legal here if it helps ease a painful health condition. the state issues a license with your picture on it and everything! the federal government does not approve. i sure don't see why people who are in pain can't have it. i myself had a license. the store owners mixed it with brownies. it didn't help my back pain but i did gain five pounds. (this was definitely not a good thing for me)
    Yep vinny i know what your saying and i agree,coz i dont touch niether as well.If i had to be in the company of some body that is stoned or drunk be it at a party or where ever, im just saying that i could tolerate a person who is stoned rather than a drunk.Sounds like you learnt a lesson earlier in your life and you were saved from self destruction.
    im on the fence with this as well, with a joint hanging out of my mouth, not to mention congress has a joint session
    No. Booze is bad also. Why the comparison between the two all the time? They both make you stupid. If the guy driving next to you is stoned or drunk whats the difference? Smoked enough dope to know what I'm talking about. Should they lock your ass up if caught in a non-hazardous situation (smoking on a park bench). No. A waste of jail space for the real bad guys.

    When I was in my early 20's I was on a date, my g/f at the time gave me a 'joint' trying to be cool, I went for it. I wrecked my car that night with her in it, fortunately neither of us nor the victim of the other car was hurt, my reflexes were way off, if I were 'straight' this accident would not have happened. That is the only time in my life I messed with that stuff. I don't even drink. IMO, anything that you put in your body that alters the way you react or think puts you and people around you in great danger. I don't want to be in a car with anyone driving that is on any mind altering drug, this includes >>>>weed
    I'm on the fence on this...
    To grow on your own private property and for your own consumption, yes.
    Biig NO

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