    what do I have to do after my wife has died and she is buried?

    +1  Views: 713 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Try to get on with your life

    With so many people ageing death is a fact of life. Many others will be in the same position as you. With what do I do now questions??? Consider writeing a book or a whats next set of instructions for those who are sitting in the kitchen alone . Just the details of the ssi and insurance things will be a help . I am sorry for your loss !!!!! Getting busy with a project will help maybe this is a two for one thing . You need these answers and if you record them perhaps you will help others in dark hours ,maybe your own version of a Chicken Soup For The Soul. That by the way is not a bad idea ,take a trip to the store and find the right one of those and start reading . You will laugh a little and most likely cry alot . But it will help . Good Luck to you and may you find healing in the arms of friends .Write any time .            Bill

    Contact Social Security, Cancel any Charge cards in her name, Contact the bank, Get a copy of the death certificate from the County where she died. Contact insurance company, Contact any company where the bill was in her name ( lights,Cable TV etc.)remove her name from titles, leases, Change your will, destroy any checks from her account that have her name only. even Magazine subscriptions. AAA, ARRP. This should keep you busy for awhile which is what you want.You will also need to let someone know what you want to happen if something happens to you, death or illness.

    My husband of 43 years died in 2009. The most important thing is to not make any major Change in your life for at least a year. You may think you are OK but things will be clearer later.

    and when U've done all this get a catholic church to celebrate a mass for her rest in peace.Its the only thing she cares about now. lt will help her irrespective or wheather you believe it or not.

    after about six months it will get about 1% easier! just don't hit the booze to hard.

    do as sadiesays, its important! get help if you can! you will be surprised at how hard it is to track everything down.

    I found the best way to cope was to completely change your environment. ;-)

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