    Can anyone guess the breed of my dog Trixey? See photos:

    My dogs name is Trixey. She was rescued at the age of 4 weeks old. Her and her sister were abandoned. I have had her since 10/31/10. She will be one year old on 08/30/11. No one was certain of the breed. Let’s have some fun. Can anyone guess the breed? I would love some tips from someone who does know the breed on how best to train her.

    See the following link for photos of Trixey:

    +3  Views: 1879 Answers: 31 Posted: 12 years ago

    has she got sheep dog in her or is she got south african in her dont know the name !

    No she does not have sheep dog in her,and South African is out.

    MEL, i think you are referring to a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

    No she is not a Rhodesian Ridgeback. See the comment I put above where I said she did not originate from South Africa.

    Keep trying Guys I am enjoying this I hope you are to.

    yea thanks bullitman that was what i was thinking lol

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Is it a Norwegian Lundhound?  The pictues are beautiful. What a cute dog.


    No it is not a Norwegian Lundhound. Thanks for the compliment.

    Shepherd and Chihuahua?

    Is Trixie a Border Collie?

    Headless Man

    Don't look like any Border Collie I ever saw.

    No she is not a Border Collie.

    Pups rarely look the same as adult dogs.

    I had a dog like that once & I called him Turner.

    All he was good for was turning good food into dog s..t.


    All dogs have tendency to do that.

    Okay- what about a MASTIF.


    An English Mastiff can weigh approximately 150 Pounds. Trixey only weighs 70 pounds. That is approximately the max she will weigh as she will be one year old August 30th.

    Don't give up keep trying!

    At one time that was a dog wed have liked,think theyre pretty rare now(the Old English ones i mean)

    No idea, the bread of your dog, but she is beautiful. Love the pics, especially, where she is giving the paw, but looking away, so rest pics are.


    Thanks for the compliment. She learns really quick. She was giving me her paw for a treat in that photo. She was only 3 months old. It only took me about one hour to teach her that trick.

    Puppies sure are cute.

    Is Trixie an AKITA.


    Bulletman I agree that pups rarely look the same as adult dogs. But there is a couple of photos in my blog that she is about 9 months old she looks the same now only a little bigger. I will take an up to date photo and post it later on today.

    Hints: She is not a very large dog and weighs about 70 pounds of solid muscle.She is sxtremely strong, and highly intelligent, and requires constant mental stimulation.

    She is practically impossible to wear out, she is extremely fast and is impervious to cold or heat. Her coat has two layers.

    Keep trying guys I know that sooner or later someone will guess it.

    no idea(is it a trick question??!!)beautiful girl though!


    No it is not a trick question. It is just that this breed of dog ae not seen that often in Canada.

    Labrador / Kelpie ? -- A reputable Dog Obedience School is the best bet for basic training of  Trixie, now is the time to start while she is still young.


    Nope. Although she maybe a cross breed she is definitely 90 to 95% of one breed. And it is possible she is a purebred. Thanks for guessing I do appreciate. Any other guesses?

    To Melandrupert. I'd say you've come as close as anybody

     Pomeranian I say Regard that she is got german shepard in her and some lab!



    No there is no lab in her either. Surely someone out there knows the answer. Another hint is she is a working dog but does not have to use her sense of smell when she is working. Although her sense of smell is incredible.

    I'M clutching at straws now, is she an Anatolian Shephard Dog.


    Bulletman. You are the closest so far.The best hint that I have given so far is DOWN UNDER.Come on guys with all the hints that I have given so far it should be a slam dunk.

    Any more guesses?????

    She is so pretty,can't tell the breeding she has big paws,maybe german shepheard cross kelpie.


    No she is not a German Shepherd cross. Hint she is a working dog breed. That helps to narrow it down and German Shepherd is out.

    Austrailain cattle dog /heeler

    What about a Polish Hound.""


    WOW looks fab LOL

    australian shepard and australian cattle


    So far Zorro is the closest. Just not 100% right.Melandruper is also extremely close.

    Both of you are certainly in the right direction.

    One more guess by either of you and I am sure you will get.

    is she a malamute or similar?

    Not even close: Bulletman remember Down Under


    Rengard I need to know about what is this Dog is she a Aussie wool dog! and a bit of dingo and it really looks like it has a bit of dingo in it!

    mel what is an Aussie wool dog?

    No she is not a malamute. Keep guessing Bulletman is the closest so far.

    Very very close but no cigars.

    Hi Rengard  is your dog a decendent of the pale indian wolf!

    Austrailian Sheep dog stroke dingo !


    Hi Pamela how is it going! hope you are enjoying your weekend! :-)

    hey Mel, having a Dingo in the mix is a little contradictory, as the Dingo is a renoun sheep killer. lol.



    bulletman that dingo is gorgouse love it they are so hansome and very intelegent too thanks for the picture lol



    bullitman where did the name come from DINGO for dog! mel oxoxoox

    Warrigal is the aboriginie name for dingo. i believe the first dingo's came to Oz 100,000 years ago with the original abbo's. they are sub- species of the GREY WOLF. Until european settlement they were a true breed. they are not truly a dog or wolf ,somewhere in between. they dig large holes which are called dens, they cannot be truly domesticated. one of my former employers had one as a pet, he denied it being a dingo as keeping it as such is against the law. o.k. Mel it's now 11 . 35 pm good night mel.

    " My guess would be a Lab/German Shepard mix, you can have a (DNA) test done on the dog as to what exact breed (he) or (she) is."

    She looks like an Australian Cattle dog to me.  She is lovely.


    fish girl, you are right, she is a aussie cattle dog or blue healer (one of the same).

    My Dad had four of them at the same time once upon a time...."The Dingo Stole My Baby"...could give one the creeps at times...but they were still lovely.

    I think Melanrupert deserves the thumbs up as she guessed Australian cattle dog/ heeler.""


    In OZ we call this dog a BLUE HEELER. ( extremely intellegent) there is also a RED HEELER.

    I agree I just gave Melanrupert a thumbs up. That guess was certainly as close as you can get.

     i think it may be a Dingo x -------- if not you win i give up. --( ps. -  please don't tell me she is a pure bred dingo.)


    The breed that she is was originally bred with was Dingos, and Blue-Merle Highland Collies back in the 1840's.

    She has all of the characteristics of being a pure bred Austrian Cattle Dog. She may have something else in her but only a DNA test would tell me that.

    You were so damn close. Thanks for playing along I thought it was fun. I am going to post a photo of an Australian Cattle Dog so you can see the resemblance. They come in a lot of different colours.

    The blog of the Australian Cattle Dog is at:

    pretty no doubt  

    she's kinda got a German Shepherd's muzzle and ears; and  her body looks like a beagle......only without a Beagle's coloring.   I'd know better if I could feel her hair. Is it course, or kind of soft and smooth ?


    bulletman here mycatsmom, the fur looks course but in fact as smooth as any other dog.

    Soft & Smooth

    Rengard are you sure you are not getting confused with the Australian Kelpie?

    To me she looks like a Australian red cattle dog/staffordshire cross.

    By the way get rid of the dry food it is fattening despite what you may hear to the contrary .

    A good diet is raw bones, cooked vegetables with a stock cube to add interesting flavour. Use the low salt variety. Raw chicken wings and frames are good for chewing exercise.

    Re training the first thing to remember is dogs are a pack animal and they love to be on good terms with the leader of the pack. So you are the pack leader and you give praise when she does what you want. Go overboard and really make a fuss of her.

    The leader does not bite the misbehaving pack member but snarls at it so learn to snarl. A good forceful :NO" when she misbehaves will work wonders.

    Whatever you do DO NOT HIT HER she may do as you want but she will resent you doing it and you want her to want to please you not obey you.

    You have been blessed with a absolutely gorgeous friend who will bring you years of love and affection provided you treat her correctly.

    I am not religious but I think God was someone misspelling Dog.

    I have a border collie /Belgian shepherd therapy dog that visits a aged care facility and the more I see of people the more I love dogs.

    If Trixey's ears would stand up all the time she would look like my dog.  My dog is  arounf 27 months. I'll try yo down load a picture. 

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