    the polyps are up my back passage they removed some but i was in a lot of pain they could not carry on why cant they put me under anesthetic i am also constipated its probably the polyps thats causing it

    0  Views: 605 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Pain? You need another, different doctor……….

    Why wouldn't you ask your doctor about this?

    I went to a big-time doctors' office today with my husband. All the doctors in the practice look like they were in their 60's to early 70's. Their waiting room was totally packed with people hacking and coughing.  (flu?) The heart doctor's receptionist seemed unfeeling - like a robot.  My husband thought he was going to see his main doctor for the results of some heart tests but he found out he would be seeing a doctor's assistant! We decided together to turn around and make sure that the test results be sent to his internist. If they will do it!!

    Why did I tell you this? Because ... I think you should feel lucky if you even have a doctor who is somewhat considerate and able. You need to turn around and go back to your doctor and tell him your problem. If he refuses to help you with anesthesia, you should find another doctor. (This is just my opinion) He many have important medical reasons not to give you anesthesia. You need to know what that might be. I totally understand your frustration and your pain. 

    By my husband leaving today he may have LOST his doctor. Keep what you can. Change if you must. The important thing is your health. You must take care of that. Good doctors are getting more scarce all the time.  Take care. 


    Oh ... I see this happened to you quite some time ago. How did it work out?

    Mom used to have a fit when she went to the cardiologist and someone other than he was scheduled to go over test results. She would make a scene and embarrass the cr*p out of whoever was with her, but I can see her point, and especially yours/your husband's. I want to talk with my DOCTOR about test results. (Try The Heart Group, Millbrook Ave. right behind St. Agnes Hospital).

    That's where we went. whoopsie. Maybe it's changed since the time when you went there. Maybe we hit on a bad day. My husband is going back. I'm glad. We were tired and stessed over some other matters.

    That's where we went. whoopsie. Maybe it's changed since the time when you went there. Maybe we hit on a bad day. My husband is going back. I'm glad. We were tired and stessed over some other matters.

    That's where we went. whoopsie. Maybe it's changed since the time when you went there. Maybe we hit on a bad day. My husband is going back. I'm glad. We were tired and stessed over some other matters.

    My visit was in December/January. There was one clerical person who was horrible and I talked with the personnel manager about her. They actually rearranged the front office people before my second visit.
    Hoping all is well with your hubby and the next visit is more professional.

    I felt like we were in a third-world country. That's Fresno. : (

    Not the same experience I had at all. Place seemed to be even, ethnically speaking. ???

    We were all the same color. He went today and could park closer but said he wished he had a mask. He didn't see his doctor but they signed him up for more expensive tests. Since the doctor didn't appear we can only assume that his problem is not very serious.The last time we went the receptionist was rude but I really couldn't blame her. She had a long long line of people to attend to. No time to even get a breath.

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