    is my painting worth anything

    I brought a painting by c.cackler-veazey when i bought the printing i was told that she was a very well known artist whos painting are valuable i would like to know if the name is a well known name or well known painter

    +1  Views: 501 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Oh yes, and if you enjoy the painting, printing then it is worth something.

    Is this a painting or a print?  If it is a painting and you are wondering what it's value is go online and punch in this artist's name.  The galleries that handle this artist's work will very likely appear.  Contact a gallery in your area, make an appointment and have your painting (If that is what it is) appraised.  If it is a print then it is worth what someone else will pay for it...unless it is a hand pulled print by a print maker...that is 'back to the gallery' stuff.


    googled the name of cackler-veazey and came up with a cathleen...I didn't go any further....that's up to you if you are interested.....try doing the same.....too much for me to want to sift through...good luck to you.(:


    I did the same and her name sure doesn't come up as being an artist. How curious.
    ole hipster

    Yeah...ain't life strange??? At least you went further than I did!..(:

    I have found three Remington Photogravures that are signed and dated. Are they just copies?


    We do not do appraisals here.

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