    what has happened to the American dream???

    +9  Views: 1190 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    very good question GNAMA

    thnks melandrupert....I grew up in France and at school this is what they taught us when we started studying American civilazation and American culture plus its history and literature...We heard so much goodnessa bout that great country that we only dream to come here...funny enough that some people(in Africa mostly) even thought Gold grew on the streets in America...amazing I know but many still believe in the American Dream overthere and it is their goal to come here and get a piece of that American Pie. Contrary to the common belief,majority of Africans love and almost revere American society...and rarely will you find an African person hating USA.u JUST SAY the word America and they start smiling,their eyes begin to glow and they like begging you to take them with you or send them money to come here

    17 Answers

    The American dream of old is not for us Americans anymore - The real American dream today is getting this country back on track, more jobs, lower prices, less outsourcing and kill the greed.

    This is not any president's fault, this is the American people, they have put themselves out of work, demands for more money, benefits, too much wanting to keep up with the Jones, too many credit cards, too much finger pointing as I am doing now.. Now we have a war between its people that if something doesn't pull us back together, we'll probably end up in a civil war again.. maybe not with guns, who knows for sure but I think that many people are ready to bring on an uprising if something isn't done soon to get things back in balance. mark these words, 'something big is going to happen soon with the american people' . I for one am tired of all the PC bullcrap, the illegals, the constant whining about what is GOOD for me, the list goes on.. 


    Good answer Vinny.So many people are complaining about exactly the same things here in OZ.Everybody wants to start at the top.

    Wow Vinny how true is that in what you are saying I really agree in what you are saying as you know I lived in the states for many years and I have always counted the states as my second home and I now look at england and we are in the same situation we have had the riots and I think we will get them again as you say its greed and too much PC thank you for your answer

    Has it become a nightmare?


    Yes it has. lol

    It used to be the american dream, where eveyone had a job and worked hard - but turned into a nightmare for millions of people.


    u absolutely nailed it Ann

    I'm living it baby... Got a good paying job with minimum 8 hrs a day. We farm so during planting and harvest double that .gotta a new log home a new daughter. Were not getting rich but were making it. I sit here with a little JD oil {Jack Daniels} watching the world news and all the crap that is going on and thank God for what we do have..Yes we do struggle but we have it pretty good compared to a lot of less fortunate people.

    We still dreaming it. Maybe Obama will wake us up.

    I woke up

    It belongs to the illegal immigrants now.

    Thanks for the question. I found this and am reading it.  

    Looks interesting.




    perfect Robert for my learning experience;-)))Thanks a million!And stay Safe!

    Good question.  I think the rest of the world has decided to get in "on the action" or "dream" as well.


    Thanks Chiangmai..I appreciate the feedback greatly!!!

    There is still a dream , It is something you make happen . If you think it falls out of the sky it will always be a dream .""""""


    If you want to paste to a new answer, you first have to paste to a note pad, then click save in the notepad, to deactivate the coding then copy it from pad and paste as a new answer here.

    It's hard to explain the whole picture. Everyone see a piece of it. Health Care in this country is a nightmare, the cost of medicine is insane. 1/4 people are hungry. The gov waste so much money on what they want, not what the country needs. When most of the world spend 6% of their budget on military, we spent 48%. Think about it, their country is the size of a state. Now think of multiplying that by 50! The crime rate is insane. When basic needs are not met, you can not produce a citizen. You produce a criminal.

    This country looks out for the rich. They make fun of anyone on Welfare. Most of these people work, they just don't earn enough. These jobs have to be filled. Not everyone can be a doctor, someone has to work in the fields, be the blue collar worker, run a  dish washer at a restaurant.These people have no health care. I am a diabetic, my insulin is almost $700 a month. There isn't a program to help pay for this. I have to pay it or do without. Yet I pay taxes, and help the USA be a great and powerful nation. It doesn't care if I die, go blind, or lose my legs to diabetes. My father was a retired vet, he was in WW11, Korean, and Nam. He became ill, service related. They wouldn't help him. He gave them 20 years!

    American are piss off, We take care of the country, it does not take care of us. That is a big problem. What many have forgotten, they gov is suppose to serve the people, not themselves.

    Politicans can screw up anything.

    the american dream is unobtainable and unaffordable for about 99.9% of the population! its has always only been a dream, sold to the people by the government/media/banks/etc to keep everyone in line, kinda like a certain book that gets a mention on this site every now and then!

    a massive change is needed to make things fair! I don't know what will do it and I hope it doesn't hurt to much when it happens. but change is needed desperately. ;-) 

    You ain't  seen nothin' yet.

    And not only in the USA.


    The dream is still there  however the picture in the dream has  changed todays picture is not the picture   like it was in the 40's 50's 60's 

    Anyone who has lived abroad will tell you that America is still the best country in the world.

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