    why do woman becomes gay

    +1  Views: 712 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    I dont know How. But If I was a woman I would be a Lesban

    10 Answers

    Because she is born to be a lesbian.

    If she is not born to be a lesbian and chooses to experiment as a lesbian then she is either bi-sexual or a straight woman choosing a lifestyle where she can play gay. She's not really a lesbian however.

    Girls don't "become" Gay.  They are BORN to be a Lesbian just as I was born to be Straight and Ricky Martin was born to be Gay.  Living la vida loca!

    because they are tired of being sad.

    Becaues of men they met in past.

    Probably find women more attractive than men, better company and feel safer and more certain with this close relationship.

    Don't have a definitive answer, but they do, and I don't have an issue with whoever you choose to love.

    As Madame de Stael put it: "The more I see of men, the more I like dogs." (... or other women, for that effect.)

    No, seriously, homosexuality is something you're supposedly born with. 

    Your all wrong, its the Thong panties.

    I know!  Not all are ugly.  John Gedding and Rock Hudson HUNKS!  And I know some guys personally who are not ugly.  Some are really cute and I don't understand the reasoning.  They could have any woman they wanted.  It must be that emotional attachment thing. 

    I have a couple of good lady friends and we are all straight.  We could cry together but not go any farther.   


    It's the same reason you are attracted to the sex you're attracted to and why you're not attracted the the sex you do not get sexual with. It's really not so hard to understand.

    Cause we like the "manly parts" and how they fit our girly parts ahhh.....

    For the homosexual, it's not just about the sex. It's all inclusive, heart, mind, Soul and body. I'm sorry for you it's just about the sex.

    Some are ugly and just can't get a man.  Boy, am I in trouble!!!  No, I always thought to be "gay" that you didn't like the oposite sex.  This may be true in some cases but not in others.  Rock Hudson was such a hunk and I almost cried when I found out he came out.  I don't know?????


    You might have something if there were no ugly straight people. But there are plenty of ugly straight people married to ugly straight people making ugly babies and there are ugly babies who grow up to be ugly people.
    I like the opposite sex. I'm just not physically or emotionally attracted to the opposite sex. I have male friends that I love but can only love them as much as a heterosexual woman can love her best female friend. A man does not have what it takes for me to fall in love with a person. Not all homosexuals are ugly.

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