    If scientists discover something very new to show use, Would the governments around the world with hold information due to religion philosophy's.

    +3  Views: 795 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I'm sure some theocratic governments would, especially if they thought that it would have an adverse affect on their belief system or the control that they are able to exert on the population. As far as the more secular systems such as the U.S. or Britan, France, Germany I'm more inclined to think that they would make the discovery public unless, for some reason, they thought that it might result in some social unrest or panic due to a misunderstanding. This is very good question and the answer is difficult because it's hard to tell what a government will do since there are so many personalities that are in control of parts of it.

    Information is the equalizer, it can break down the hierarchy.  It is a threat to institutions business and governments. They both have a track record of suppressing information vital to people's lives.

    "The new source of power is not money in the hands of the few but information in the hands of many"-John Naisbitt, Megatrends 1984.

    Were drowning in information and starving for knowledge"-Rutherford Rogers- NY Times 2/25/85

    Information is the equalizer, it can break down the hierarchy.  It is a threat to institutions business and governments. They both have a track record of suppressing information vital to people's lives.

    "The new source of power is not money in the hands of the few but information in the hands of many"-John Naisbitt, Megatrends 1984.

    Were drowning in information and starving for knowledge"-Rutherford Rogers- NY Times 2/25/85

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