    Why is urine yellow but sometimes clear?

    +1  Views: 339 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Also the darker the urine the more concentrated often...should drink Loads OF FLUIDS..Especially water and you will notice your urine become clearer...drinking lots of fluids..(Excluding alcohol)!:-Z...should really help reduce infections...Should aim to drink 3-4 litres a day..but don`t go mad..if you drink masses ..too much it can affect your electolyte balanceie sodium/salt and potassium which the heart needs to keep at a stable level to is rare for people to drink too much fluids though!

    The color of your urine can change form medications or Vitamins you may be taking.

    Urine has varying colours - it is better to be clear - but this isn't always good - the acidity level is important. As Papitou says the more you drink the clearer its colour -vitamins and medications can also change its colour. In healthy human beings Urine is sterile and can be drunk even though it is a waste product.

    The colour of your urine depends on two factors: a) What you have drunk before. b) How much liquid you have consumed.

    Regarding a, coffee for example produces yellow urine, while water produces clear urine. About point b: the more liquid you drink, the clearer is your urine.

    As a general rule, clear urine is supposed to be a good sign, as it contains few toxines and shows that you have been hydrating your body well. Yellow urine is said to be a sign of too little liquid having been consumed.



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