    I am extremely low income & court ordered to purchase breathalyzer ignition, what can I do?

    +1  Views: 1155 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    Come to Scotland.

    12 Answers

    Take a bus, get a bicycle, walk, depend on friends and family to drive you around until you can afford the breathalyzer. I can only assume you are low income because you do not have a job due to your drinking problem.  Stop spending money you can not afford to spend on drinking  and apply it to more needed things, like bills and the breathalyzer. Extremely low income should mean that you can not afford to drink. 


    or smoke. And how can she afford a computer and the internet, but maybe she's using one at the library .

    Good advice but is she mentally in a position to act on it? If she does, she will be using the device soon. If she does not, the law will be enforced and she may lose her licence to drive.

    If she is not then the court would have ordered counseling and rehab too.

    Stop drinking?


    Brill baby! Touche'

    Easy for you to say CB!
    country bumpkin

    Why is this easy for me to say, Sawali? Please explain.

    They can be purchased for under 20 bucks at the gas station now!!! So get one and please don't drink and drive....the life you save could be your own....


    I heard they have to pay a monthly fee too, to use one of those things.

    Not here in the states. If it's court ordered here, it is a device that is installed into your car that is connected to the ignition. You have to blow into a tube. If any alcohol is present, the car will not start. It costs about $200 for the device plus installation and $50.00 per month to have it calibrated each month. I just had to look all this up for someone I know. An acquaintance but not a friend. Her drinking problem is too much for me to want to deal with. She's the type who drinks all her money away, then has to borrow money to pay bills. She's homeless more than she has a home yet still finds the money to drink. Just had her second DUI accident, now has to get a breathalyzer in her car. They should just take her license and car away. She knows she should quit drinking but says she's just not ready to yet. She's not sure what it will take to make her ready.

    Well it is court ordered in this it looks like the booze fund will have to become the breathalyzer fund!

    That's what I mean. The fee is about $50. a month.That's why my friend , Angie doesn't have a car.
    lindilou Dad was killed by an impaired driver....I don't have much sympathy for those who drink and drive....or take drugs...or both and then drive. It is a mindless decision that can yield the most dire of consequences...and so not fair.

    #1 reason why laws for drunk driving must be made tougher. She should never have had the chance for a second DUI.

    Sell your car, then buy the ignition, good thing will be you will have no more car to drive drunk, problem solved!  Did you really write here to ask that question, maybe the alcohol has impaired your ability to problem solve?  The court is correct, you should not be driving without a check on your alcohol intake.  Where do you get the money to buy booze, are you on assistance, are we taxpayers paying?  I hope not.  Do not get arrested, I do not want to feed, clothe, and educate you too! 


    if she sells the car, she will buy more booze, I think. But atleast lives will be saved!

    Read about the laws here:, pricing is given at the end.  to save up the money, quit drinking, take the bus, put your car out of commission and stop paying insurance……...


    HELLO!!!!  Are you serious?  You are extremely low income, but you have a car?  You got off cheap if all the judge ordered you to do was install the breathalizer ignition.  DUI fines here are exorbitant and stay on your driving record darned near for-ev-er. Do yourself and everybody who gets near you a favor, and do what you're told.  Hope you figure out you are an alcoholic sooner than later and get yourself clean and sober. 

    Pass a basket at your favorite bar ;)



    There ya go!

    Sure then go for a ride!!

    I say walk to where you are going! Boo Hoo! I'm sick of crying drunks! 

    Your life not worth $20-$30 bucks?

    Let me see.  You obviously have a drinking and driving problem, therefore the court ordered you to install this device.  The device is designed to save your life and ours when you happen to be in the same neighborhood. So...  Even if you drink wholesale, you will be saving cash that you normally spend on alcohol, so spend this cash on the device, we would all appreciate it and even consider you as a hero for saving our lives.  

    She needs help. Family and close friends could intervene and help. with professional help from AA or such agencies she could be rehabilitated.  The question is will she make the move?


    SHE has to make the move. Not her friends or family! SHE has to do it!!

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