    what to do if their is elder abuse from a family member?

    +4  Views: 404 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Personally, that person would win a trip to the desert to feel the pains of a beat down. Legally, report this person to the proper authorities.

    ed shank

    "Beat down" I love it.

    the beat down will sting like a bee. lol!


    I LOVE THE BEAT DOWN Pam, but we got to do it legally and report this person to the law, but love the beat down better !!!

    I know my friend it must be done legally. I stand firm concerning our seniors, and our children, HANDS OFF! :-)

    Report to police, social worker, church minister or Administration on Aging.

    Unfortunately that usually happens behind closed doors. It is the same thing with Animals and children who are abused and have no voice. You have to report this to social services or someone llike a Priest or Pastor or tell your Principal at school and ask him what to do.You  are a very caring person and  you need to do the right thing.

    you must report this at once there are telephone lines 24/7 and they are normally free and you acn do this with out leaving a name and address its in strictess coffidence

    Any and all abuse must be reported regardless of age. Call immediately.


    Have a great weekend! :-)

    A very sick person indeed .Abuse is so frighting to a young person if it"s a him i would make him eat his .You know "What. my heart goes out to that young person.

    this should not be happening,we all know that.But what happens when the person being abused wont  make an official complaint?Because that happens too.                                                                                               Please pick the phone up Shortyboy,stop this happening NOW!!!!!!

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