    Are people just stupid or has bad spelling become acceptable?

    is this how the English language evolves? 


    +4  Views: 2029 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    no i wouldn't say people are stupid it's just a whole new generation,between texting, tweeting... it's a new way of communicating back in the 1800s they had morse code do you think they were considered supid or innovative!

    Grit Savage

    they still managed to spell correctly! ;-)

    I have noticed the students are not graded on spelling, as I was. They are programed to fill in a bubble. They are not expected to write essays or reports. There is a serious problem with public education.

    Yes texting and tweeting have their part to play. However, people are not expected to have any sort of respect when they are speaking... let alone spelling. "Tru Dat"

    You are correct on all counts Grits people are stupid, incorrect spelling is being accepted and this is how language evolves.

    If I may be allowed a small dig at you, what is "bad" spelling,? Is it past its` use by date? Does it have a unpleasant odour? Perhaps you meant "incorrect" as opposed to "correct" spelling.


    Grit Savage

    no I meant "Bad" as in "shit"! if it was merely incorrect it would be an occasional mistake, but as you can see there is not one iota of effort put into correcting anything written! ;-)

    P L ---You're just being pedantic :-)

    I'm afraid just stupid - maybe this is how language evolves but how long does it take and what determines the final consistent analyses? If this makes sense?

    Too much technology makes children lazy and not enough reading. Also students are copying others on the internet re exams so I was told by an ambulance crew recently and a phelbotomist.

    The very young ambulance crew were amazing but had never heard of Wuthering Heights or Lawrence Olivier - OK just an example. 

    Some are English as second language .Some are less than smart , some may have been hit on the head ,who knows. Condition over all is sad . I do the best I can and the rest of these people are on their own .

    Bad spelling is one of my major pet peeves.  I think it's a  lack of pride on the writer's part.


    No and Yes. 


    I like the german slang for 'yes and no', it's 'jein' taken from ja and nein. J in german is pronounced like our y as in yes. Kapiert?

    Oh... & as an answer... I guess we just have to accept it.It's the way of the world & we have to move with it or be left behind.

    I think it's just a lack of respect for our language just like there is for just about everything else these days.You know... like rules of the road & other common courtesies that we all took for granted growing up.The language is evolving though. as an Aussie we see Americanisms slipping into our language at an increasing rate.I blame television for most of that.I'm not saying that you yanks have got it wrong but you may notice on my answers I still spell colour with the "U" in it & cheque (As i writing one) not check.(Unless I'm talking to a Yank,then I sometimes revert to the American way of doing it just so you know what the bloody hell I'm talking about.



    You Aussies spell the Brittish way. And that's why you spell differently than we do .It's not wrong...just different. We sure learned about the Aussie way of living and talking from the movie ,'' Crocodile Dundee '' ....still one of my fave movies

    mycatsmom.Yeah well Mick Dundee was a little exaggerated.We don't all talk exactly like that but different enough to you guys.When I was in the USA I had a lot of trouble just getting people to understand me when I spoke.That was in the South,texas,Louisianna etc

    It has been been my belief that America peaked during the JFK era.  We didn't start to decline quickly until after President Ronald Reagan left office.  When we began to slide, we were going downhill in many ways, one of which is education, or the lack thereof.  Grit Savage is only alluding to just one segment of our societal issues that badly needs to improve.  We are faced with a multitude of problems.

    I am going to recommend a new book that was released last week:

    "That Used to be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back"  is a landmark in American popular literature, by Thomas L. Friedman.  It may answer some of the questions/answers posed herein.



    You're right. Our American society has been on a downward spiral ever since about 1967

    It's a sign that the educational system is failing us.Also I think it is laziness as all it takes is the spell check to correct most mistakes.

    we are just moving to fast tweeters phone texts. try Following college sports blogs,, they call you out all the time on spelling.

    This question has been asked so many times that I am bored with it most of the old timers know why I cant spell and I am NOT saying it again some people cannot spell because of difficultys has anyone ever considered that!

    I hate that too. And young adults were spelling terribly in the 80s too.......I'm talking about college students !!! That was before texts, twitter, tweet, email, etc.  When I was in elementary school, we not only had spelling lessons and tests, but we had vocabulary books and lessons too---where we had to learn the  different meanings of a word, and how to spell it. And if we got the word wrong on a test, we had to write it 5 or 10 times till we got it right. I don't think spelling is taught that stringently anymore. And grammar, and puncuation was drilled into us. No, it was not Catholic school. Just a good public school. And my mom wouldn't let me use words that were bad grammar. I had to speak gramatically correct at home and in public.

    I know what you mean, it does bother me when i see people with bad spelling, I think it may be a language barrier but im sure there are sites for people who speak their language.

    it is mostly about abbreviating big words and having fun!

    I think we should show a little more tolerance here and accept that some, for one reason or another,  are not so literate as others.   

    I just became one of the stupid with my quick question...sorry.

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