    Cats and how you feel about them?

    I was just wondering how most people feel about cats? I find them to be very loving, entertaining and they love you unconditionally with no hidden agendas?????

    +11  Views: 4725 Answers: 47 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: as cats - pets

    Cats have to be boss. When one animal is grooming the other, the one being groomed is the dominant one. It isn't love: it's smug satisfaction.
    A couple of quotes from times past:
    "No one ever owned a cat."
    "Dogs have masters: cats have staff."


    That is mean and cruel.

    Eddina Symns

    I think all children growing up should have cats. Dogs, too, but CATS teach children that you should not try to dominate something you love, that the other individual has its own mind, determination and goals.


    I love cats so much that I go out of my way to introduce them to my NEW TIRES when I'm out driving.


    TSC, That's not funny . And if you do that, you are evil !!

    47 Answers (31-47 Displayed)

    I am a true animal lover. I love all animals, I just have chosen cats because I have always worked all my life and took care of my Mom who was a stroke victim and she passed away in 2009. So cats being that I have a busy work schedule and all are much easier to care for than dogs, but do not get me wrong I love animals, but in saying that I am very adamant that anyone that owns a pet of any kind should take responsibility and teach their pets and take responsibility for them not just get them and let them just be there and not take care of them.

    Also, tis true the old saying dogs have owners cats have stafff, but cats are very loyal and loving too one just has to have one for indoor pet to understand that.

    Thanks for all the replies and good answers. So sorry for the ones that are mean and cruel and do not like cats or probably any animals. You are missing out on true unconitional love in life as animals if treated properly and cared for show you the true meaning of uncondional love with no hidden agendas.

    I am a true animal lover. I love all animals, I just have chosen cats because I have always worked all my life and took care of my Mom who was a stroke victim and she passed away in 2009. So cats being that I have a busy work schedule and all are much easier to care for than dogs, but do not get me wrong I love animals, but in saying that I am very adamant that anyone that owns a pet of any kind should take responsibility and teach their pets and take responsibility for them not just get them and let them just be there and not take care of them.

    Also, tis true the old saying dogs have owners cats have stafff, but cats are very loyal and loving too one just has to have one for indoor pet to understand that.

    Thanks for all the replies and good answers. So sorry for the ones that are mean and cruel and do not like cats or probably any animals. You are missing out on true unconitional love in life as animals if treated properly and cared for show you the true meaning of uncondional love with no hidden agendas.

    I am a true animal lover. I love all animals, I just have chosen cats because I have always worked all my life and took care of my Mom who was a stroke victim and she passed away in 2009. So cats being that I have a busy work schedule and all are much easier to care for than dogs, but do not get me wrong I love animals, but in saying that I am very adamant that anyone that owns a pet of any kind should take responsibility and teach their pets and take responsibility for them not just get them and let them just be there and not take care of them.

    Also, tis true the old saying dogs have owners cats have stafff, but cats are very loyal and loving too one just has to have one for indoor pet to understand that.

    Thanks for all the replies and good answers. So sorry for the ones that are mean and cruel and do not like cats or probably any animals. You are missing out on true unconitional love in life as animals if treated properly and cared for show you the true meaning of uncondional love with no hidden agendas.


    Ms Sinclair


    I like cats ok, but I hate when they walk all over your car.

    They 're ok but they make me Snneeeeeze they do


    i bloody hate cats,what a waste of space!pointless creatures they poo on everybodys garden including mine kill all the plants and leave a foul smell when they spray everywhere.should all be drowned at birth.


    You don't own the are made a cat slave! All the cat needs is someone to keep it"s box clean, buy it food and serve it when it demands and pet it when feels like loving you! In other words you are the both the cat's slave as well as the cat's as well it's best friend. THE CAT OWNS YOU!


    Maybe someone should have drowned you at birth especially if they had known you would turn out to be such a hater.


    whatever!!and by the way i do have a life!its you that needs to get a life


    We know you have a life but you must respect other peoples feelings on this subject I think you should post a question and ask why am I feeling like this to wards this question good luck for your future please talk about this as i feel there is a problem

    I love cats. Tabbies best, esp, orange or the brown (tiger tabbies). And I like calicos too!

    I like dogs but IDK to me they are alot more trouble than a cat. I'd love to have a bull dog or a pug though, they are adorable IMO!!!

    Lions Tigers Cheetah puma Scottish wild cat and all the other wild cats are majestic graceful killing machines. The domestic cat is the same a good mouser is worth is weight in gold. So they are not pets they are independent and accept the intrusion in there lives as a necessary evil.

    Sorry - but cats clean? They poo in anyone's garden! I've known cat owners that HATE it when they poo in their own garden, so why is it okay for them to be allowed to poo in other peoples???

    It is said that if cats could use tin openers, they would have no use for the human race.

    They say that if cats could use tin openers, they would have no use for the human race.

    I have Jester a 19+ year old feline, without him i would not be the person who i am and i love the person i am.The world will be a sadder place when he goes.


    Churchy I love you for that. One of mine Oliver is going on 17 years old and the sweetest, kindest, most loveable kitty ever and yes the place will be a sadder place when Jester and Oliver are gone it will be a big hole left in our lives. Good for you Churchy.

    Cats make the most practical pets there are. Fun loving, low maintenance, & most comforting probably the cleanest of all pets. Any pet has its pro's & con's buts a cats are probable the easiest to live with. Love them. Excuse me, I have to let my dog out & go clean up poop behind them.

    I dont mind cats, I dont own a cat.. BUT have cat scratches all over both of our cars from neighbours cats.. If people own cats they should keep them inside, they are the ones that want cats as pets not me. I have three dogs who do not annoy any of my neighbours.They do not bark. I am home with them 24/7 so I know they dont bark. So if people want cats for a pet they should show the same respect to thier neighbours by keeping them inside thier house.


    Grandma I do keep my cats indoors only.


    Well in that case Darci I love your cats :)

    I HATE CATS, I HATE CATS, I HATE EM!!! The look nasty, i can't stand the sound of a MEOW!!! Their fur grosses me out. BRING ME A DOGGIE ANYDAY.

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