    Is a "committed" christian one in a mental institution or gaol?

    That should fire up a bit of interest.

    0  Views: 605 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Nope not a bit it seems.No interest at all so far! the bible bashers must be still in bed over there.

    ""Lord help me.


    You see this is my point exactly.You see eggplant I don't have to sell myself on here to you or anyone else in regards to my religion on this site.I am enriched with love,that's all I as for the school girl pictures,it just shows how insensitive you can be to others.I can respect you for who you are regardless of your religion,but wheres my respect as an individual,treat others as you would like to be of life's greatest lessons.~

    Eggie, I love how you say it all in pictures when the thumpers start thump, thump thumping along, lol

    Tami, if you are none of that, then don't be so sensitive and think everyone is talking about you like you are so keen to tell me. It's not all about you.

    I love the way you spelled "gaol"  Not too many people know that that is also a correct way to spell it.

    What was the question again?

    The bashing on here is long as it is on one side of the court it's fine,but on the other side your ridiculed persecuted....hmmmm...I don't know,I should make a site of my own,and everyone is your thoughts regardless of religion creed or race,and I wont hit dismiss buttons when things don't go my way.Believe  it or not I'm not built like that.I can respect individuals for being individuals without making assumptions the way they are made about me,after all you are who you are.This world has a long way to go...lord help us.:(


    IluvJesus, I have never had any problem with you being pro-Jesus. You exemplify that one doesn't have to be loud to be heard. If I have offended you, I am sorry.

    I just don't think anyone here needs to scream-print 2,000 words just to make sure Jesus notices him. After all the little old lady that gave a few pennies was noticed over all the Romans that gave tons and tons of gold coins at the temple.

    You are fine and we like you.


    I appreciate that chiangmai.Thank you.

    Christians aren't any worse than members of other competing religious sects. They all share many benevolent commonalities, many of which are unassumingly practiced by secular humanists.

    Where they lose credibility, is with their dogged belief in the incontestability of a book rife with contradictions and hyperbole.

    It's Faith versus Reason.True followers of Faith will never surrender because faith does not require any explanation.  True followers of Reason can never surrender because reason IS the explanation.


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