    Is science a religion?

    +3  Views: 616 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    No but I think some people are turning religion into a science.

    religion has not much scientific fact. Its all belief. Science deals with facts.

    it can be if all you do is work at it just as anything else can be!

    It can be if you use science to prove that some God does exist.

    The difference between science and religion is that in religion you are asked to believe, while in science you are asked to challenge integrity of assumptions and prove truth. That religion is not open to challenge is a result of the tyranny of religious belief. However religion is open to interpretation and meaning which gives it an appearance of changing when in fact the changes are merely subtle changes in tempo and relationship to other phrases to suggest a new meaning. Clever perhaps though deceptive in such reasoning to manipulate considerations. Of course religious text is said to have been devised in ways to conceal the true meaning because truth is subject to censure by rulers. So true believers know the truth and all others simply see mystery and confusion. Then too science has similar secrets designed to keep the un-anointed from the greater truths of science. Texts are scribed in special codes that only this who are learned in the practice of deciphering those symbols into meaning can understand them. In science many documents have been lost beyond the valeted doors of national secrets for the benefit of humankind never to see the light of day again. So too the secrets of the Vatican etc, etc.

    The differences between church and science are trivial and inadmissible to public opinion because the separation between church and science may only be ships wool over the publics eyes. At least we know truth has value.



    Both science and religion should seek truth and the greatest good for the most persons. Today it seems like that profits/money rule and unaccountability and lack of transparency are the norm. Government is out of control many say the system is broke.Applied science isn't finding answers quick enough and religion and its scandals tests your faith. We need some beacon to guide humanity to sustainability and choices that make sense.
    wHAT can we do?

    Well said. Good answer.

    Definitely not.

    Or is religion following science.

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