    My grandson stole 4 checks out of my purse and cash in 800 dollars all together. I file charger on him now my husdand what me to drop it what should I do?

    0  Views: 878 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Thats tough when it's family that breaks your trust. I have to say that by giving your grandson tough love , you are essentially doing him a favour. He needs to not only learn from this but also pay you back and earn your trust. If you just let this go it is almost like telling him what he did to you didn't hurt and that your okay with it. Love him enough to teach him lessons. You have to love him enough to let him pick himself up and figure out how to change his life. If you choose the alternative you simply enable him to continue thinking it is okay to be like that.


    Youve got a good heart MOM.

    Throw the book at him.  If he doesn't learn now, he'll be in jail within the next 24 months.

    Your grandson is a thief,he must be stopped now in one way or another before he goes onto bigger and better things.

    1) Hide your checkbook in a better place.

    2) Kick your grandsons arse.

    3)Don't allow the G'son into your house,he's a little prick & he has no consideration for you whatsoever.

    ed shank

    Here here. I'd put my foot "Through" his ass.

    What you are doing is for his own good so that he would not commit the same mistake again.  This is the education of love.  If you let him go this time, seemingly you love him, but in fact you spoil him and harm him.  Next time he will steal more than $800. BTW, how was he able to cash your checks?

    In some respects a difficult question indeed . I have one as well , Why isnt your husband backing you in this ? Is he without back bone ????? To some this is petty cash to me its big money . The lack of moral fiber in your grandson is evidence that there is a lot more wrong here . I would hold my ground and press charges to the full extent of the law .I think your husband should grow a pair and stand at your side without question. That he would back a thief over you is cause for concern .

    I'd complete the process of the charges. Someone needs to teach him a lesson in values and morals. Tell grandpa to man up and stop enabling the thief.

    Damn thats hard. First find out if your grandson has any tattoos. Find out if he is hanging around with other kids or grown ups with tattoos and that smoke. If so , chances its gang related. This could be a gang initiation. Chances also, he wont go to prison. He will be back !!!! Could be meth user or other drug. Please understand this next statement. These type people, gang related , or heavy drug user, are not scared to die when commiting these crimes. He is not scared of you. Where is his parents ? You probably should check with your  local district attorney to see if he has a past criminal record. If he does, fry his ass good. I wish you luck.

    That's a hard one because the charges could be serious,it could mean jail time,me personally I couldn't go through with it,but he wouldn't be allowed in my home alone,and I would put my checks in a place that would be unheard of to him.Some how some way he would repay me,I don't care if meant yard work or if it took  10 years,but he would owe me for a longgggg time,arrangements would take place.

    ed shank

    He wouldn't repay you either in cash or work. Compassion in this case would only allow more of this disgusting behavior.

    A criminal record would make his life hard and difficult,and impossible to bounce back from,that's just how I roll in terms of my family,forgiving is part of my make up.I'd deal with it within the family,not the law.

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