    what will cause change in politics

    +1  Views: 542 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers


    Americans have to stop voting for a party!!!!     We are Americans not Republicans, Democrats, or Liberals. They give names so they can raise money to campaign. It should be free for someone to campaign for President, isn't the working man who supports this country????? When did America decide you have to be rich to know what Americans want??????????????????????


    The problem is effective power. I know it seems as if being independent is the answer with both parties exhibiting such intransigence and you do want to keep an open mind when considering political choices. However, almost all political systems have parties or groups of one form or anther with the possible exeception of a dictatorship. And there is a reason for this, a party allow you to increase you power and influence. Most people have a set of beliefs or values upon which they base most of their decisions, be they liberal, conservative or libertarian. Being part of a group like these increases you chances of getting a decision that you can support. Other groups try to influence these parties, such as, lobbiest, chambers of commmerce, watchdog groups and a myriad of others. Even as an independent you do nothing more that support one of the other groups since they have a pendulum effect.

    A decline in a politician's popularity polls?



    I think that making the candidates for the president accept public funding would have the biggest effect.. That way the wealthy wont be able to buy the election. But, I suppose they will find a way now that the conservative supreme court has said that business can purchase the candidate of their choice.

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